The Bird In The Lake

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Nikki aimed for another bird, and just like the other 5, it was struck and fell. However, this one dropped into Lake Lilac. She grinned, and chased after it, while Max's gut feeling worsened tenfold. He scrambled to his feet, chasing after Nikki, trying to grab her, to stop her. The bird dropped straight into the lake, and Nikki dove in right after, despite the boy's best attempts. Max had to skid to a stop to avoid falling in, his gut now physically in pain. This is wrong, she's not going to be OK. That was the only thing he could think, as he finally brought himself to look at the water.

The water actually confirmed his concern, so very quickly, with its sudden toxic orange hue. How the change went unnoticed, it doesn't matter now. What matters is that Nikki had dived in, and wasn't coming back up. Suddenly, the surface settled, like a piece of fabric being pulled taut. Max leaned forward slightly, watching the area, hoping Nikki would be the one emerging from it. His heart was hurting now too, though he'd never officially admit to it. Nikki was one of his closest friends. Losing her would be a heavy blow to take, especially after everything they've all been through together.

Suddenly, the surface burst open, and the bird flew out, though now it was all messed up. Max was startled, falling backward onto the dock, nearly toppling Neil, who had arrived just moments ago. Both gawked at the bird, who had landed on the dock where Max stood just moments before. It now had sharp teeth, rams horns, a snake-like neck, and a furry body. It screeched, which sounded terrifying, and then took flight, clumsily due to its new shape and having to readjust almost everything. after it disappears, the pair look to the water again, to see the same tautness was spreading over the water again.

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