The Man

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We were in class in awkward silence.

"Aren't you gonna teach us anything or are we just gonna sit here?" Michelle asked.

"Just do what ever you want."

"I wanna learn from my teacher," Summer said.

"Besides that, Freddy, what do you like to do?"

"I don't know, burn stuff."

"Just go out an have recess!"

"My parents don't spend fifteen thousand dollars a year for recess!"

"You wanna learn something?"

"Yes I do."

"You want me to teach you something. You wanna learn something? Alright, here's a useful lesson for you. Give up, just quit, because in this life, you can't win. Yeah, you can try, but in the end you're just gonna lose, big time, because the world is run by the Man."

"Who?" Frankie asked.

"The Man. Oh, you don't know the Man? He's everywhere. In the White House, down the hall... Miss. Mullins, she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, and he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! Okay? And there used to be a way to stick it to the Man, it was called rock 'n roll. But guess what? Oh no. The Man ruined that, too, with a little thing called MTV! So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool, or pure, or awesome, 'cause the Man is just gonna call you a fat washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just give up!"

Miss. Mullins was standing there for a few seconds.


"Mr. Schneebly, it's after ten. On Wednesdays, the children have music class now."

"Ok. We will continue with our lecture on the Man when we return. Have a good music class."

We left for music class.

Music class is my favorite class, I can play the guitar and tambourine. Mom let me take guitar lessons before the divorce. I learned all the cords. I even know how to play the beginning riff to Rebel Rebel. For this song, I played the tambourine. 

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