The text from her mother changed it all.....

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       There will be sexual relations going on in the next few chapters if you do not like it please just stop reading now and ignore anything else from this story thanks

       Turns out it was almost dinner time and Emily was still not home. Travis woke emily up with a kiss on her lips and shook her slightly saying, "Wake up baby girl it's almost dinner time we gotta get you home before I get the cops called on me for kidnapping you". He spoke the lasts words while trying not to smile and tickles her softly on the sides waking her up instantly. "THAT TICKLES TRAVIS!" she said smiling and giggling. She went home that night and about a month later Emily finally had enough of the shit in her life and decided to move in with Travis and leave her past life behind and make a new one with Travis at his place. Two years go by, they always give each other little gifts and notes stating that they love each other so fucking much. One day before Emily's birthday they decided to go see how her mum and dad and two brothers were doing.They took some time off of work to go to Utah and spend a week with her family. ( Emily and Travis lived in Colorado) They decided to surprise her family and introduce Travis to the rest of her family .Her mum and dad got along well with him but her brothers Cameron and Jerry didn't really get along with him so they stayed in the game room that they had in their house so they didn't have to see him and Emily be all cuddly and cute together. After dinner in the dining room they all started herding towards the living room where they would be watching National Lampoon's christmas vacation. They were all laughing and snorting eggnog out their noses and didn't even realize that it was already midnight.They finished the movie and Emily and Travis said that they had to leave. They all gave hugs and exchanged phone numbers and then on the way home from Emily's families house Travis was driving and pulled into the parking lot of a Shane co. jewelry store, Emily was confused and looked at Travis with the look of pure confusion. Travis handed her a blindfold and told her to put it on so she did. She heard the car door opening and then waited about ten mins before she felt her door open. She said, " Daddy is that you?" Travis tells her to take off the blindfold and waited for her to do so. She opened her eyes and saw Travis on his knee holding a little black box up to her. "Will you marry me Duckie?" She didn't have to even answer with any words...She nodded her head yes and hugged him around the neck since he was still on the ground on his knee and kissed him deeper than ever before. "At least let me get the ring on your cute and small little finger baby girl..I never expected you to say yes I thought you wouldn't marry me because of my past...but I guess I was wrong" He slipped the ring on her finger and lifted her up and wrapped her up in a big huge bear hug and kissed her deeply and slightly reached under her cute little pink skirt and teased her certain spot that he knows that she likes him touching. "oooo......Daddy sire shouldn't we wait till we at least get to the house before we do any.. thing" she said slightly sidetracked by the feeling he gave her with just one touch. They are now back at the hotel that they plan on staying at until that friday, it was Monday, while they met with Emily's family.

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