The act of stuttering that caused him to smack her...

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Travis's P.O.V

I never intended to slap her but when she stutters it really puts me in that certain spot in Dom space where I feel the need to punish her. She ran crying from the room and hid in her normal spot I'm guessing. I ran after her and sat down next to the bed and put my hand out for her to touch. "Come here sweetie I didn't mean to hurt you, it was accidental..." I hear her say a little tiny pain filled no and I know I hurt her bad.. My hand still kinda stung from the slap. I start to hum her lullaby I had made for her when we first started dating and I knew that it was calming her cute little brain down because I saw her move slightly closer to my hand that i extended and rested her cheek next to my extended fingers. "Sweetie why don't you come out from under the bed and come here in my lap and I will hug you better and give you so many kisses..?" I knew I hit that spot in her brain of making her obey my little command, I didn't usually get into punishing her a lot...she always ended up on my lap with me up inside her and her loving the punishment. As she slowly crawled out from under the bed her little skirt she almost always wears, slipped off leaving her waist and underwear showing, along with the marks that...I caused. "Oh fuck.. hun are those the marks I caused?" I scoot closer and lift her onto my lap and slowly rubbed the marks softly with my fingertips and rested my hand on her ass cheek, knowing there is a complete handprint right where I put my hand because she whimpered and slightly pulled away from my touch tearing up slightly. "Sweetie do you want me to go and grab your butt cream for when you get spankings to put on the marks?" She just nodded her cute little head yes and latched onto my body like a koala and spoke quietly into my neck,"Don't leave me here take me with you Daddy...please?" I chuckled and kissed her head and answered her with a smile. " Ok baby girl but you at least have to let me stand up before I carry you, ok?" she nods and gets off my lap and stands up shaking slightly, and blushes as her underwear slip down to her ankles, giving my member a slight jolt of excitement. "Really baby girl are you trying to get my member all worked up again while your still recovering from the marks from last night?" She shook her head and blushed and quickly pulled her underwear up and her skirt and hid her face in her hands and blushed even more. I just chuckled and stood up careful not to bump Mr. D, as she calls him, on anything and hugs her lifting her up into my arms instantly scooting her up to where she rests against my already erect cock and feels her take a quick intake of breath and smile against my neck."Do u like that feeling baby girl? Hmm?" she smiled again and responded in the cutest voice I could handle without going straight into Dom space, "Yes daddy sire, now cans we go gets the cream for me butt, it really hurts...." I smile and kiss her head and let her situate herself and wrap her arms around my neck feeling her bite deeply on my neck. She groans as she feels the deep push of my cock against her pussy and I end up stopping halfway to the bathroom and pin her against the wall and kisses her deeply pushing my tongue into her little mouth feeling every little crevice in her mouth and her tongue slowly runs along my teeth taking in each little bump and crevice. I let out a sound that I make to let her know she has achieved in making Mr.. D completely hard and erect and thrusts him through my underwear and her cute hello kitty undies and runs my tip against her entrance."Uunngh" She quickly grabs hold of my cock and squeezes it deeply as she smiles against my neck. She moaned softly as my member pulsed in her hand and she slowly pulled her hand away and groaned sadly and spoke very quietly, "Daddy i thought we were gonna go get the cream for my butt...not stop in the hallway taking it farther than kissing and stuff....." She blushed and winced as i moved my hand on her bum and grabbed onto my neck tighter with her arms and kissed my cheek before burying her head in my neck wanting the pain to go away from what I could tell from her actions.

Emily's P.O.V.

He finally decided to go get the cream after he made out with me in the hall and after the fact that I grabbed hold of Mr. D, he must really think I can get through the pain on my ass. I cringe into his neck as he unpins me from the wall and continues walking to the bathroom. He slowly pets my back, knowing that it will help calm me down and take my mind off the pain. He spoke softly but yet he spoke with such authority in his voice making me want to obey his words and answer truthfully, "Okay baby girl I have the cream now, where do u want me to put it on you at? The bathroom or in the bedroom?" I spoke while trying not to stutter knowing it will just cause him to make more marks on my already marked skin...,"The bedroom...sir." I looked at him as he smiled at the last word and kissed him on the nose and giggled softly. He slowly walked back to the bedroom careful not to rub Mr. D on my spot and slowly laid me down on the bed face down and asked calmly with a hint of a smile,"May I remove your undies and skirt Sweetie?" I just nodded my head and lifted my hips for him as he slowly and carefully removed them and laid my hips down and cried out in pain as I laid back down again. I could tell he already had a hard on and so I was trying to make it to where he didn't get an even bigger one because I'm really tired and didn't want to solve his problem right now..... His voice snapped me out of my thoughts suddenly," Ok baby girl are u ready for the quick coldness of the cream on your cute little bum" I just nod my head with pain filling my brain and hides my face in the blanket." THAT'S COLD!!!" I yell into the blanket and shake as the tears come and the loud sobs come after. He quickly but softly rubs in the cream and lifts me up not caring that my underwear is off and slips off his pants and underwear as he lifts me up and carries me over to the middle of the bed and pulls the blankets back before he sets me down. I realize that he has no clothes on and I am not blushing for once,k maybe it's the sleep deprivation talking. He smiles at me before laying down next to my small body and curls around me, knowing that I will instantly relax at his touch when I realize I still have one of his shirts on...."Hey Daddy I still have a shirt on, can I take it off?" I spoke in a slight whisper knowing he could still hear me. He nods his head yes and helps me sit up and takes it off in one quick motion before he kisses me right as the shirt is out of the way. I gasp slightly and he invites his large tongue into my small little mouth. I relax into the kiss and deepen it by pulling him down and laying on my back with him on top of me, feeling his member pulse against my entrance. I slowly relax even more and moan slightly as he thrusts slightly with his hips entering me slowly with just the tip and he sits there with his lips against mine smiles as he feels me get even more wet. He pulls his mouth away and leaves a trail of kisses down my neck to my collarbone, down to my right breast and begins sucking on the nipple. He grabs my left breast in his hand and slowly massages the nipple while he is sucking on the right one and suddenly thrusts his whole member inside of me making me arch my back in surprise and pleasure. Waves of pleasure rushing through me as he continues to thrust in and out of me, causing me to moan louder and louder, letting him know that I am close to climax when he suddenly convulses into me groaning as he cums in me filling me to the top. I arch my back even farther than before and loudy yell out, "OH D-DADDY" I fall back onto the bed panting and lifts his head trying to calm my shaking hands and kisses him smiling softly against the kiss. I lean my head against the pillows and relax my body again, slowly closes my eyes falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

A/N Sorry for the extra long chapter I got really into it and couldn't stop so like here is that really long chapter that I hope maybe some of you wanted...

Also should I do a face reveal soon or no?

I am gonna do a Q and A soon so stay tuned for a whole thing of questions that I have been asked, feel free to ask me some in the comments and what not, if I know you irl then you can ask me them irl but if not just ask on here. THANKS FOR READING EMILY MEETS HER SOULMATE!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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