The marks...that changed it all...

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A/N The song is just a song that I thought you guys would like, but hey no one cares about what I think...

They are laying on the queen bed in the hotel room when Travis felt the urge to make love right then and there in the old squeaky hotel bed and he looks at Emily and sees her staring back at him. He scoots her closer to him and kisses her neck, jawline cheeks and then finally mouth. He gets on top of her and starts to kiss her more deeply. She moans and starts to undo Travis's button-up shirt. He starts taking off her shirt and then gets her bra off. Travis thinks to himself and chuckles softly without letting Emily hear the chuckle, "That was easier than I thought it would be to get her bra off." Emily starts undoing his pants and while she is doing that Travis is kissing her more and more deeply and moans slightly when she brushes up against his bulge when she took off his pants.Emily and Travis are now both naked and Travis is on top of Emily and inside her and they are moaning and Emily is yelling out Travis's name over and over again. Travis was ready to cum as he did he moaned her name out loudly into her neck.Two hours later they are just laying in the bed under the covers still naked and spooning while they are talking about their life together now that they are engaged and what not.

The next day was Emily's birthday, Travis says, " Good morning love, did you sleep well last night?" He winks at her and she smiles and blushes. She just nods her cute little head yes and leans up and kisses him softly on the forehead. "No lip kisses till we brush our morning breath away" She smiled at his sad look. " OK fine I guess I can brush my teeth before kissing your adorable mouth..."They get up and get dressed and Emily went to the to the kitchen and Emily tries to start making breakfast when Travis comes up behind her and grabs her waist and picks her up and puts her on a kitchen stool and kisses her deeper than ever before. " I'm cooking today, you are not cooking on your birthday, I am. Now what do you want for breakfast?" says Travis . "Wait... you can cook? Well, honestly I don't know what I want for breakfast, why not surprise me with whatever you want to cook for my birthday breakfast." states Emily. He smiled and said "Ok baby girl you just sit there and look cute" he pats her head twice and started cooking the surprise breakfast. Emily mindlessly rubs the marks that showed up on her hips and sides and quietly speaks unsure if Travis is gonna be mad or not at the subject,"Hey daddy um you do know that you caused me to have bruises and marks on my skin from the stuff we did last night....." Her voice trailing off at the end. He stops finished putting whatever he cooked onto a plate and turned around slowly and walked up to her and squatted down to her eye level and spoke in his Dom voice the best he could, " I'm sorry baby girl I never intended to hurt my sweet princess I was just having a wee bit too much fun...." she could tell he was desperately trying not to cry in front of her but was almost failing at it. "Show me where I hurt you kitten...Now." She slowly stood up shaking from being nervous and scared of Travis not knowing what he was going to do." O-ok daddy..." she felt the pain of the slap across her ass before she even saw him move. "OWWIE! DADDY THAT HURT!! " She sniffled and started crying and ran away to the bedroom and hid in her normal hiding spot, under the bed and curled up into a ball...

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