Halloween Special (part 2)

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(Warning: Contains mild blood.)

Shu's pov

I woke up with a gasp and looked around the room, their were only nine people in the room now, me, Valt, Lui, Daigo, Wakiya, Shasa, Free, Toko and Honey, one by one they slowly woke up.

"ugh What happened." Shasa asked as she woke up.

"This is your fault!" Lui said as he glared at Valt, who backed up next to me.

"I-I didn't know this would happen!" Valt said in his defense.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep, night." Free said as he laid back against the couch, we were still in Valts house, but all the lights were out, and the doors and windows were gone.

"I'm scared!" Toko and Honey said in unison as they hugged each other, I put on my flashlight on my phone, everyone does the same, well except for Free, who was sleeping, the walls were covered with blood, making everyone flinch, Valt went over to comfort the two shaking Children, while we tried to figure out what was going on.

"Great, so what do we do now?" Wakiya said sarcastically.

"Okay lets take this one step at a time, so we know that Valts weird game spell worked, and we know that Ken, Rantaro, Cooza, Silas, Nika, Kitt and Chris are missing." I said to them.

"Right and if I remember correctly, Valt said in the chant '..and now that I have said this chant, the Teletubbies will come and play', what does that mean?" Daigo asked, everyone was silent.

"We should look for the other, they might have woken up before us and went to look around." I suggest.

"One of us should stay here and keep watch, just in case they come back." Lui said coldly, He then points at Wakiya. "You should stay."

Wakiya looked at him surprised " And why me?"

"Cause your prince costume is too bright, 'if' somthing if out their, they would see us in a matter out seconds with you with us." Lui said annoyed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ugh fine." Wakiya reluctantly agrees and we head out, I hold Toko's hand while Shasa holds Honeys hand, we only used Valt flashlight because it was the brightest, Valts house looks completely different, the floor was covered with a red substance that made it hard to walk, their was broken glass and ripped cloths everywhere, suddenly their was a creepy child's voice laughing coming from behind us.

"Hahahahah, lets play a game."  it said as we turn around, at the other end of the hallway, their was a weird shadow figure, we all screamed an ran into Valts room.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" Shasa and Valt say at the same time, Valt dropped his phone so Lui put on his phone light.

"Was that the Teletubby?" Daigo said freaked out, I honestly thought he would be use to that kind of stuff.

"Probably, is everyone here?" Lui asked in a strangely normal toned voice.

"I think so." I said, I suddenly remember I'm holding Toko's hand, his grip was loose though. "You okay Toko?"

No reply.

"Toko?" I ask again, no reply. "Uhhh Lui can you shine your light on Toko?"

He shone it on Toko, but he wasn't their, his body was gone and I'm holding on to a blood stained hand....

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as I drop the hand, everyone joins in the screaming. 

"My brother is dead!" Valt cried, Honey was also crying, along with everyone else, except for Lui, who looked away sadly.

"Thats what you get for running away what I asked you to play, now the boy is my new toy."  The same voice we heard in the hallway was coming from the wall, suddenly, A red Teletubby comes out of the wall, its eyes were black with red pupils, it also had claws on its hands and feet, but what made it even more creepy was that it was smiling ear to ear, its sharp teeth showing.

"W-what did you do to T-toko?" Valt said scared, we all back against the wall, none of us daring to run.

"Like I said, hes my new toy, hes fun and all, like my other toys, but I wanna play with you now, ready to play?"  It asks us.

"W-what d-do you m-mean by p-play?" I asked just as scared as Valt, everyone was shaking and I felt like I was gonna faint, but I tried to hide my fear, I failed miserably.

"Well lets play tag, ill be it with my friends and you go hide, IF you refuse to play you DIE!"  When it said die its big smile and happy face turned into an angry face, making everyone scream once more, except Honey, who had Shasa covering her eyes, suddenly, a mist appears around us and everything goes black, but not before I hear Lui yell at least 12 swear words at the Teletubby.

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