Chapter 4: Making Up Her Mind

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Silence takes control over her. She tries to make a fake smile and enters while saying hey ma.

Her mother is a calm woman although so she doesn't ask what happens to her. She closes the door after her. She tries to figure out what happens to Hannah. As for Hannah, she's trying to avoid the question answer session.

She never does this, why is she acting weird. Did her boss say anything to her? She went to meet her boss but what happened there? Her mother thinks. She smiles at her not wanting to irritate her daughter and giving her time to think whether she wants to share or not. She knows Hannah, she knows that her daughter is a powerful girl, she never become irritated unless someone do something to her.

She calmly asks hannah if she'd like a cup of tea or coffee and especially something to eat. But she rejects and says that she'll take some rest. And after that she goes to her room and locks it.

For a mother it is very depressing that her daughter is in problem but she knows that Hannah always find a solution of her problems and most of the times she shares everything when the problems are solved. But today she saw her in a different frustrated type of situation. After all she's a mother why wouldn't she doesn't care. She's her daughter, part of her body. Her peace and everything. She tries to calm herself too trying to clear her mind that she'll be alright.

Hannah after locking her daughter walks here and there continuously. Thinking about what will she do next? Should she accept to write a book or should she reject? But if she rejects she will see harmful consequences.

She remembers when she took her degree in language and was anxiously applying for a job and she sent her an email to Aqua in order to get the job there, all she got disappointment but she didn't loose herself. She tried and tried until she got the job in Marcus's. She was happy atleast she got the job in one of the most famous companies that anyone would want.

She tried hard to get a good position in the company and she got that position like she wanted.

She still remembers her first day in the office. She got the cabin, and darcy showed her the whole office. Darcy was working there for almost five years and she knew all the things about that office. Then she met his boss David.

Blonde unruly hairs, blue eyes wearing a dress white shirt and charcoal colored pant. He came into her office, introduced himself and asked a little introduction about her too. He welcomed her heart-warmingly. David was the kind of person who wanted everything perfect. He had two children, a boy and a girl.

Although she remembers all the times when she got in troubles and David helped her. His intensions towards her were clear as for employee. She wrote the first novel and her novel took place in top 20 novels. And David was so happy that he arranged the evening especially for her. He raised her celery 10 % and at that time she was so happy that she also celebrated with her family.

She remembers when David appreciated her, " I knew young and fresh mind will come some day and raise our company like a shooting star and that shooting star is you Hannah!" she blushed and felt giddy.

"I knew my daughter has amazing abilities, and I knew it she'll make us proud. She always will" her father hugged her with so much joy that it was difficult for her to collect the happiness.

And today is the day when she is worried about her job, about her dreams, about her future and most importantly about her pride.

Someone knocks at the door. She doesn't respond because she's so much deep drown in her thoughts that she didn't even hear it.

Ana? John calls from outside. She doesn't reply. Biting her lip, she's continously thinking the same thing. Its like these thoughts have gotten on her nerves.

"Ana? Open up. See what I've got for you." John says from outside.

She doesn't reply again.

"ANA! " He screams.

She suddenly becomes aware of the knock and annoying voice of her brother.

She opens up and asks, " What is it J?"

"See what I've got for you. " he days and opens up a samll basket.

"Oh my Goodness! They're so cute! "she exclaims with joyness. There are little baby rabbits in the basket, one is black and one is white. She picks up the white one and caresses it.

" They're so cute! How did you get them?" she asks while picking the second one. She adores both of the rabbits.

"I saw them under that big tree back in the playground. Where we used to play. They were alone so I picked em up for you. I saw you when you came home. You looked upset to me. What happened? "

She suddenly sees him and there are questions in his eyes that why his sister is so sad? What happens to her?

She realizes that her problem has already effected the house. She forgot to remember that she doesn't live alone. She has a family. And all of the members would've seen her like this.

She smiles softly and put the rabbits back in the basket.

"Nothing J, its the job. You know work load. " she brushes her hand in his hairs and hugs him.

"Oh than that's okay " he replies and goes downstairs.

She thinks that she will try hard to write a book. She will make her parents proud again. She won't show the sadness. She will do it. Finally she makes her mind and takes a deep breath.

She slips under the sheets and fall into sleep although its afternoon.


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