Chapter 8: "The Hearing"

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Everyone is sitting in the court as the judge comes and takes his place on his chair.

He commands to start the process. The jury and the defenders take their places as the hearing commences.

"Order in the court, Mr Smith please proceed with prosecution " as the judge says mr Smith (Michael's advocate) gets up and take all the documents and says "My lord.."


After 2 hours of arguments and justifications the court declares the results. And as they come out of the court room Hannah's mother is crying while his father is depressed. Infact everyone of their family is depressed now.

They quietly come back to the house. The court has given them time of one week to leave the house. And there is no other way now to get their house. Everything happened because of those signatures that were present on the papers.

Her mother is still crying while her grandma is trying to calm her. Kids are also depressed because hannah told them the truth about the house.

"Now we're going to leave our house? " Sylvia says sadly.

"Start packing up " Hannah's father says as he leaves the house.


Its evening and Hannah is standing near the window seeing outside and wondering what will happen next?

She comes out of her room goes downstairs and sees there's pin drop silence in the house.

She checks the kitchen and there's no one. She grab the water bottle from refrigerator and drinks some water.

She comes out and sees her mother who's coming out of her room. Shs doesn't say anything while she just goes to the kitchen and starts preparing for the dinner. Hannah comes back and helps her mother.

Everyone's eat dinner and quietly leaves..

Hannah comes to her room exhausted from alot of thoughts and her friend mia calls.

"hey ana babe! How're you? Where have you been? I've been calling for days!!" she shouts on the phone.

Nothing just exhausted, you tell how's your holidays going? How're your grandparents and Paris?" Hannah asks.

" Paris is as always amazing and yeah everyone's fine but you seem dull and sad. What happened? " mia asks.

"We lost the case," she says as she sobs.

Mia is her best friend who's now on holidays and went with her parents to see her grandparents.

"What? When? " she asks shockingly.

"Today " hannah replies.

"Hannah babe don't cry. I'm coming back tomorrow and everything will be fine, don't worry. " mia says.

Hannah doesn't say anything for a minute.

"I wanna sleep if you don't mind?" hannah asks.

"Yeah sure sleep well and don't worry. There will be some solution of this problem. Take care of yourself. " she says.

"Bye mia " hannah says and hangs up.

She doesn't know where they'll go after 7 days.


I know this chapter is short but I just wanted to wrap it up and start a real story. So don't leave here's more to come.


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