Chapter Eight

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You felt someone pick you up from behind. "When trying to escape I suggest being quiet" His voice came from behind you.
"Why do you care? You were and probably are just going to kill me anyways" You growl as he slung you over his shoulder again. You squeal, "put me down. Put me down!" You hit his back due to you being scared you were going to fall off.
"Why should I if your just going to die anyways?" He smiled and walked to his room.
Your face turned red. "Putmedown putmedown putmedown!!!" You scream and beat harder on his back ,like rain becoming hail, trying to get him to let you go.
You whine when you realize he's not going to put you down and you stare down noticing his tail or well taking I'm details about. You were sure you knew it was there before.
He opened the door and walked inside, closing the door and he places you on the bed.
He stretched a little and you took the opportunity to try to run off, you were scared not knowing what he was thinking. You reached the door and put your hand on the handle.
"Get back on the bed you pest" he says and you glance back at him and your eyes widened. One of his guns was pointed right at you.
You turned around slowly and hung your head as you walk back to the bed with an ache in your leg.
You get on the bed lay down, he flips you onto your stomach and you cross your arms and rest your head on them.
You let out a cry of pain. Your right leg felt as if it was on fire. You started to kick your leg but it was quickly grabbed and held down.
"I can't do this if your going to squirm" he growls.
You nod but continue to whimper quietly to yourself. After a few minutes the pain stopped and you felt your leg being wrapped.
"I have a question-" you started, "Why are you helping me?" He rolled his eyes which you couldn't see seeing as you weren't facing him. "Would you rather it get infected and die that way?" He asked
You sat your head up and propped it up with your hand.
"There have been worse ways to go out." You state simply. "If your going to kill me Beelzemon... Make sure it's not infront of my friends... And preferably in my sleep if you wouldn't mind." You stare down at the white sheet that lay over the bed.
"Shut up already... Jeez, all your death talk is depressing..." He groaned and sat on the bed next to you.
"Sorry-" you apologise, not wanting to make him mad.
"Whatever" he mumbled, a small almost invisible smile appears on his face.
You sit up and look at the bandages that are swallowing your leg.
"Thank you..." You frown a little not knowing why you would thank someone who tried to kill your friends.
"Be honest with me... Would you really not care if my friends were to die?"
There was no response.
All he did was stand and walk out closing the door behind him. You ran to the door to find out it was locked.
"Beelzemon! Let me out!" You looked around before beating on the door. "You can't seriously just keep me locked in here!" You cried out.
You turned so your back was leaning against the door. "I hate you...-" you mumbled falling asleep, a single tear had slipped down your face leaving a faint tear line down your cheek.

With your friends-

"Guilmon slow down" Takato groaned tiredly. "But Takatomon...-" Guilmon whined in response.
"I get that we're all worried about her but we need to rest soon." Henry said looking around the group, "everyone's tired so how about we stop and rest. I'll take first watch" he offered as everyone but Renamon, Cypromon and Leomon practically collapsed.
"You should rest-" Jeri said looking at your digimon.
He shook his head and spoke so quiet it was almost completely inaudible, "Can't.... Worried...." He looked down, "Upset..." That was it. He didn't speak often and when he did he said very few words.
Jeri felt it was her fault he felt worried. Her and the others talked Cypromon into leaving the village even though he needed to go after you he wanted to stay and protect the village.  He probably was also worried about you. It made sense. You were with a digimon who didn't seem afraid to hurt you. Or anyone for that matter.
Cypromon felt helpless. He tried to get you back but he fell from a simple backhand and watched as you got carried off. What could've he done?
'I should've tried harder.' he thought to himself as he sat quietly away from the others.
He felt he didn't belong. He didn't understand why he was chosen to become your partner. He felt didn't deserve it. That it should've been anyone but him.
'But that wasn't what happened and now look at where she is.' he told himself as he sat back and looked up at the quickly darkening sky.

I'll get working on the next chapter soon. I've really enjoyed writing this story so far

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