Chapter Nineteen

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You blew a hair from your face only for it to return to it's position in your eyes.
You sighed and looked up at the others who all stood above you.
"You two gonna get up yet?"
"Nope" you spoke for both you and Cypro.
Cypro nodded in approval.
"Big whoop, Y/n. You slipped and fell with your lil digi-pet. Get up"
"Nu-uh. Not until you admit you dropped me." You huffed and bit your cheek.
Beelzemon growled and walked off. The town seemed quiet. Guilmon and Terriermon ran around peeking in different windows.
"Would you two cut it out?" Henry sighed.
You looked at him, realizing he was talking to the children-like digimon. You sat up and watched the two peek through more windows, ignoring Henry.
"You're one hard kid to figure out" you hear Beelzemon say and you could practically hear the eye roll in his voice.
"Say that to my face" you hiss.
"You two need to calm down. You're at each others throats every two minutes."
"At I'd say at least every four minutes, thank you very much. Cut us some slack." you say crossing your arms over your chest.
Beelzemon began peeking in windows and knocking on doors.
"What are you doing?" You ask watching.
"Seeing if anyone's here. I'm starving." He growled in reply.
"Nice to see he's still got an appetite..." Takato says quietly with a small nervous laugh.
"Huh, really? He's not said anything about eating till now." You said and glanced at Takato.
"When he was Impmon apparently he went by and would 'ask' for some of Guilmons bread." Takato nodded. You knew he missed home and the old times.
"Hey we'll get home, ok?" You say not wanting to say anything having to do with time because in all honesty, you didn't know how to get home or how long it would be before y'all would even have a chance to go back.
Beelzemon kicked open one of the doors and let himself into the house.
"Beelzemon!" You screech, "You can't just kick people's freakin doors down!"
"It's a ghost town" He poked his head before ducking back inside.
You stood and ran after Beelzemon with Cypromon in tow.

When inside you looked around the room. It looked to be a small living room but it was damp, dark and not very welcoming. Not something you'd want from the first room of the house you'd walk into.
"Beelzemon?" You wonder further into the house.
"What?" Someones muffled voice asks. A dim light seeped into the hallway from a room down the hall.
Silently you and Cypro snuck down the hallway and poked your head in the room.
A shadowy figure stood now in front of the dim light.
You began to back down the hallway but it turned and you held your breath.

Standing there, mouth stuffed with food, Beelzemon blinked a few times, "what?" He snapped, his voice still muffled by the food.
You blink and begin to laugh.
"You scared the crap outta me." You giggled.
He swallows what he had in his mouth "And you find that funny? Jeez. You people are weird." He says stuffing more into his mouth.
Cypromon leaves your side and reaches into the fridge, he grabs a few things and begins to shove them down his throat too.
"Jeez. You two need to slow down and actually taste the food" you mentally facepalm but continue to watch them chow down.
A hand slowly really he's into the fridge and Beelzemon looks over to realize that the other had caught up with them.
He smacks the hand causing Guilmon to groan sadly.
"Beelzemon, share. There's enough for him too."
"Isn't it enough that I'm sharing with your little blue dog lookin thing."
"His name is Cypromon" you hiss.
You try to pull Beelzemon away from the fridge causing him to chuckle, "Have fun with that fun size"
"Screw you." You snatch a few things from the fridge and go to the living room telling Guilmon to follow you.
He obeys and sits next to you after you get situated on the floor.
You were sitting criss cross with the oversized shirt pulled over your knees.  You toss Guilmon half of what you grabbed and waited for the others to find you all. You bit down on a bit of what you got and instantly regretted your decision.
You were reminded of home. Of your world. The digital world was.... Nice is a word you could use. You guess it wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best either.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Beelzemon and Cypromon appeared in front of you.
You look up at them and pat the ground in front of you, signalling for them to take a seat. Beelzemon sat and leaned forward.
You watched silently as, what looked to be everything in the fridge, was poured out of his arms in front of you.
He had a loaf of bread sticking out of his mouth.
You reach over and snatch the loaf from his mouth only to hear complaints. You bit it and stuck your tongue out at him while Cypro and Guilmon continued to chow down.
Jeri wonders in and smiles, "There you guys are!" She poked her head back outside and calls the others over before joining y'all on the floor.

When the others found their way there, they sat down as well and looked at the food in amazement.
A few 'wow's and 'How?'s were said as they stared at the food. They began to chow down while you continued to nibble on the bread loaf.
Beelzemon had snatched a few bits and pieces, just a few here and there, he'd placed them in his lap as if to put them on hold.
You shot him a small glare but he shrugged it off and continued doing what he wanted.
"Alright so after this we gotta figure out how to get home" Takato says with a mouth full of food.
You roll your eyes, no one has manners anymore, do they?
"Yup yup yup!" Calumon giggles, he'd seated himself on Rikas head, though she didn't seem to mind.

I apologise for taking so long. I think I've completely run out of creativity. It's becoming harder for me to write and it's upsetting in all honesty.
Anyways, I hope this is good and I do apologise if this book wasn't exactly what was to be expected from an 'X Reader' story.
I dunno why I'm throwing all these things out here right now but anyways thanks for reading.
And to all of those who have been reading this from the start of this book i want to tank you all for your kind words and all of your support!


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