Chapter Twelve

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-Important Authors note at the end- please read! Thank You!-

With you and Pumpkinmon-

You woke up the heat from your body immediately moving to and settling on your face.
Pumpkinmon had moved to what looked like a more comfortable position. He was sitting like you were while on the bike with Beelzemon but he was facing away from your neck, rather then his face resting in the crook of it.
You pat the smaller forms head gently and stand, carefully you move him to rest on your hip like you would carry a toddler.
"Life's a pain" you mumble but smile. You didn't seem to be in a bad mood, which was a good thing with all things considered.
"Better get ya home lil guy..." You sigh quietly wondering if he had returned yet. If so. Pumpkinmon was in deep trouble. But you couldn't allow it. No. You wouldn't allow any harm to come to your new digi-friend.
You decided, with yourself, to take full responsibility and protect the lil digimon.
What was the worst that overgrown demonic rat could do to you anyways?

With Takato, Cypromon, and Beelzemon-

"Sorry that I'm not sorry for leaving you brats here so I could get a few things..." Beelzemon mumbled climbing back on the bike.
"What'd you grab?" Takato asked glancing at the bag that now waves in front of his face.
Beelzemon glanced back at the human, "a few things for the girl." He rolled his eyes looking forward. "They can be needy" he mumbled.
He knew you hadn't really needed much while you had been with him before just a shirt, shower, and some medical attention. Not much at all. It could've been worse but he just didn't want Takato to know that he cared for your well-being.
Takato watched Beelzemon as he started the motorized bike.
The ground began to pass quicker and quicker as the digimon picked up speed.
'This is all a headache, and it'll only get worse if lil miss prissy isn't there.' Beelzemon thought to himself with a small irritated groan.

With all the others-

"You can't be serious! They got Takato too?!" Kazu yelled getting annoyed with 'Beelzemon'.
Leomon shook his head, "there's another missing as well."
Everyone looked around for a moment, "That's right." Rika said looking down, consentrating for a moment, "There was a lil blue guy"
"That 'lil blue guy' has a name ya know" Kazu rolled his eyes.
Rika growled, she was feeling ready to burst with anger, "I don't care at the moment! I wasn't exactly properly introduced the it! Plus, it, goggle head, and y/n are gone. He has them, and Imp-" her voice cracked and faded before she spoke back up, "Beelzemon clearly isn't our friend anymore-" she finished, folding her hands into tightly wrapped fists.
Henry looked down and clenched his teeth. Was this really happening? He had wondered a few times since arriving.
The answer always seemed to be yes. No matter how much he had wished he'd wake up in bed. Wished that coming to the digital was all a nightmare.
The nightmare only got worse.
He heard screams and here it was. "Stupid goggle head.Stupid data streams!" Rika shrieked as the light caught her from behind.
"B-but! Takato!" Guilmon cried out as his data was grabbed by the stream of light.

With you and Pumpkinmon-

The house came into view. But do did another thing you hoped not to see for a while.
The dust cloud that was lead by a motorcycle which was holding a certain digimon.
Your eyes dimmed at the thought. "I shoulda ran- Not looked back. Looked for my friends. And my digimon, Cypro-" you stopped.
Your eyes widened as two sets of eyes peek over Beelzemons' shoulders. Takato. Cypromon.
A sad smile crept onto your face. 'They'd been caught. He'd said he'd go after 'em...' you thought, 'but it could've been worse...' your smiling widens looking slightly more believable.
The motorcycle screeched to a stop in front of you.
"What are you doin outside?" His voice sounded like a snake. Hissing and full of venom.
"Wanted to get some fresh air. What are you doing with my friends?" you hissed in return, your voice cold, like ice.
He stared at you and you stared back, neither blinking.
You both continued till Beelzemon got off the motorcycle, bag in hand. He'd grown tird of the little 'game' the two of you were playing.
You look at Cypromon and begin to walk towards him. You felt Beelzemons' eyes burning into your back and you glared at him before turning you attention back to your digi-partner.
You smile. Cypromon hops off the motorcycle and you were about to set Pumpkinmon down till you stopped yourself, glared in Beelzemons' direction and satched him back up.
You frown and hand him to Takato, who was now off the bike.
"I went out here by myself." You told Beelzemon and give Cypromon a hug, "i wouldn't take no for an answer" you added.
Beelzemon growled, "Hope he enjoys that hug. It'll be the last one he gets."
You shake your head. "No I won't. I don't know how you became 'friends' with my wonderful friends but your definitely not even close to getting close to me." You hissed and removed yourself from the hug.
"I can get close to you easily." He smirked while you waited for him to explain himself.
He bent down a little to look you in the eyes and he inched closer, "told ya"he snickered.
You felt your anger grab hold of you.

The only thing Takato could do next was wince.
There was a silence that only the sharpest of knifes would be able to cut through.

(-Language warning- yeah I decided to add -a lil for now anyways- foul language, sorry if you don't like foul language- :/)

"You little shit-" He hissed feeling the heat rush to the handprint that began to show on his cheek.
Your eyes widened and you grab Cypromon and Takatos' hand taking off as fast as your legs could take you.
You glance back to see the angry digimon swing his leg over the bike.
You look forward scared of what would happen if he ever caught you.

(Gonna cut it off there but uh i had a wonderful suggestion from Guilmon76 for the ending)
Thanks for reading
EDIT- I wanted to give credit and say thanks now before i  had a chance to forget


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