The First Time

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Tess's POV

"MOOOM! I'm leaving!" I scream to my mom has I walk out the door. Two weeks ago I noticed I  liked Booker so I think I should tell Nia.

  Flashback two weeks ago:

"Hey Nia?" I ask walking into there house.

"Hey Tess," I turn to see Nia's twin brother Booker. "Whatcha doing in my house?"

"I'm here to see Nia duh," that was such a stupid question he asked, what else would I be here for? A pizza party!

"Oh, well, um, she's still sleeping. Do you wanna watch  t.v. with me though?"

"Sure," I say  sitting on the couch next to him, "what are we watching?"

"The Hunger Games," he says looking at me. "Nia says it's really good."

"I hate this movie," I say in a pouty way.

"Ohh really?"

"Yes, and here's what I'm going to do about it." I grab the remote and turn the t.v. off.

"Hey! Give that back."

"Um, no!"

"Ok then," he gets off the couch and starts tickling me. I imidetly start to laugh.

"Book stop! That tickles!!!"


"If I laugh any louder your Nia will wake up and get suspicas."

"I'll fix that." He leans in and kisses my lips for three seconds, when he pulls away we both look shocked.

"Tess I'm so sorry I-"

"It's fine," I say  cutting him of. "I can think of worse things to  do." OMG why did I just say that! OH NO! I  think I like  Booker. I run out of the house blushing leaving him alone on the couch.

Back to present day:

"Nia?" I ask walking into their house. I haven't come in two weeks because of, you know what.

"Hey  Tess!" Levi screams "Follow me." I don't know why I followed but I end up on the roof. "Wait here." Levi walks away so I look at my phone.  Nothing interesting though.

"Tess can  we talk?" I look up and see Booker, damn, he's cuter then I remeber.


"So umm  the reason I kissed you is because, I sorta like, um, have a crush on you." 

(Hey y'all, no I'm not from the south, thanks so much for reading my book! Sorry if this chapter is bad I promise I will try and get better. What do you think of this chapter? Have any ideas? Really enjoyed this chapter? Make sure to comment and vote!!)

xoxo mads

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