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So like

earlier this year or maybe like 

i dunno last year

I tried to take my life

and my dad

was like

"Oh shit don't do that im worried wtf"

and I was like 

"Chill bra it didn't work"

and he's all like 

"no" *Yeets into counseling*

and so after a while

he told me i couldn't go anymore

and he said that i only committed suicide for some kinda attention

and so he came to the conclusion somehow

that he is the reason that i tried to kill myself

and so now 

whenever I get into an argument

he reminds me that I attempted suicide

and gets all defensive like for example

If the argument is about grades 

he'll say

"Well I guess it's only fair that you guys get to slack while i'm working my ass off. Oh, and I guess I make you want to kill yourself," he looks at me, "And you just hate me" he looks at my brother.

and whenever He brings that up

or mentions it like that

i can only think of one thing to say

"Yeah you kinda do"

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