Cardi B is short for Cardiovascular Bronchitis

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Let's Fucking go

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Let's Fucking go

1. 5'8 1/2

2. Nope

3. 13 in womens(also depends on type of shoe)

4.I am Bisexual

5. I'm underaged

6. Still underaged

7. If ibuprofen and tylenol count then yeah

8. 14-26 (I am dead serious)

9. I wish but no

10. Yeah I want a tattoo

11. Ears

12.Hell fucking no

13. On wattpad Idk(do yall even consider me a friend?), Irl I don't think I have any real friends maybe Sam and Liz idk

14. Single(i really want someone to love me like depression loves kicking my ass)

15. Taking it slow and actually loving each other, I like kissing

16. Pain and teasing(honestly though the teasing part has a line drawn between being cute about it and just being a bitch. don't be a bitch) 

17. How the Grinch Stole Christmas(1966 and 2000 only fuck 2018)

18. I'll love you if: you breath

19. I miss My real mom

20. (Oh boy) When I was younger my mom's boyfriend almost killed my brother and then everyone left so I tried to eat parmesan cheese in peace but the cops busted down the door.

21. I actually have Dissociative identity disorder

22. That I fall in love super easy

23. I can reach over the short people in my class in order to get assignments

24. An artist or a writer or some actually normal job

25. I hate my sister and me and my brother are chill

26. My mom is Not here

My dad is a pee pee head sometimes but he's pretty cool

27. I would like to walk around with my date and just talk about random shit, then we would get something to eat at a crappy store and then we would sit down in a shaded area and talk about people who walk by us.

28. Me

29. I don't currently have a crush on someone but I have a friend that is very gay and nice

30. Piece of petty shit who likes to hate on people for no goddamn reason(and her hair lowkey nappy af)

31. I don't fucking know. Because i'm retarded.

Anyways that's that

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