yesterday....(last friday actually)

8 3 1

(Before I start i just wanna say that I had been invited to my friends party and she planned on taking me and  3 other friends directly to her house after school)

I went to school 

it was normal

til lunch

then I got in trouble for telling my vice principle that i didn't like him

he told me that the next time i disrespected him in front of my friends that he would send me home

i ignored him

he was being an ass so i told him what i thought about him

if my opinion hurt his feelings then maybe I should just scream out 


or he could just grow a pair

so after school i hung out in front of the school with my friends that were going to the party

then my friend's (the one throwing the party) mom arrived and we all got in

before leaving her mom asked if we were all okay with pizza

and I joked

"Nah sorry I'm colorblind so I can't eat pizza"

we all laughed

 then she started driving

we stop at a red light and her mom pulls up too far onto the crosswalk section

two kids from our school are crossing and one yells out 

"Hey what an amazing parking job!"

obviously he was just being a dick but I decided to flip him off

so we kept driving

had a conversation about christianity and shit like that

we get there

we hang out

we watch our friends mom prepare a cake

then everyone gets into their bathing suits

while i got into the pool with a couple of my other friends and wait for the rest

(btw the only people there yet are the ones who were  in the car riding directly to the house)

I ate a couple of breadsticks normally

and then my friend dared my to eat a breadstick without touching it

i started trying to eat and then my friend poured marinara sauce in my mouth with it as a joke and i ended up swallowing it whole and then choking on the sauce and throwing it all up on the golf course as way too many people watched

(somebody almost called the police bc they thought it was blood)

we continued swimming

the other 3 friends arrived and we swam for a couple more hours before we sang happy birthday and cut the cake

when it came time for me to decide which ice cream flavor i wanted with my cake

i stuttered HARD


really hard

and everyone laughed at me

it hurt too

but anyways

we all sat down and ate

one of my friends became Gordon Ramsay and commented on the cake

then some friend went home

some friends got out of the pool and changed back into their clothes but stayed

then the rest of us got into the jacuzzi

we tried playing truth or dare but it got really boring and then turned into a sharing time

we shared some stuff about our past and i also participated

then some more friends went home

there were now three people left

(me, one friend, and the b-day girl)

we watched the office while i fangirled over a fucking webtoon

(i know, i know, just shoot me now)

and then my other friend went home and a few minutes after that i went home exhausted

(not so fun fact: when i tried to take a shower the next morning my hair got damaged by the chlorine in the pool water and my ass and legs were all scratched up from constantly falling into the pool, and i had really heavy bags under my eyes)


this wasn't very interesting

well to me at least

but I hoped you enjoyed

also sorry for just being on but not being active

im a lazy bitch and a piece of shit

so please forget about me

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