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So I have two Ocs' and I have a little short story about them hanging out(not really tho)during a thunderstorm so.....yeah.....

P.S. If you wish not to read my crappy writing than just dont

P.P.S Oh and dont tell me if you're not gonna read it because i dont care



"EeEeeeeeeeeE!" Terry screamed as another thunder sounded from outside. She huddled closer to Kansas, who stared at her with a small smile. Without saying anything Kansas got up and left the room. Terry whimpered and stared at the door to her room. 

Meanwhile Kansas was looking through a closet for another blanket. 


Suddenly the lights turned off. 'Oh'. Kansas jumped in surprise as another one of Terry's loud screams sounded followed by a thump. Kansas snatched her phone up and turned on her phone. She jogged over to Terrys' room. Looking around she saw no sign of the girl. Panicked, she called out her name as loud as she could.


She heard a squeak come from the desk and she turned the light towards it. There underneath it was Terry, huddled into a ball. Kansas walked towards it and got down on her knees. As she extended her arms toward Terry, Terry practically tackled her. "It's okay. It's just thunder..." Kansas whispered into her ear. Terry squeezed her tighter and held on. Kansas picked Terry up bridal style and carried her to the bed. They huddled close together under the covers. Everytime it thundered, Terry jumped and pressed herself up against Kansas even more. 

After about an hour, Terry had finally calmed down and dozed off. Kansas kissed her forehead and pulled the covers on them. 

Kansas watched as Terry snored in her sleep. 

'She's so cute, I don't know how she does it....' 

Soon, Kansas joined her in her sleep and they slept away the storm. 

So, How was dat?

Idk I'm kinda tired so it's probably bad.

But 乁( ゚◡ ゚)ㄏ

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