Zach's Not So Bad (He's Actually Super Gorgeous)

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I stared at his outstretched hand with obvious disgust until he withdrew it. The elevator doors opened and he walked quickly down the hallway as I followed close behind.

"First of all, as fratty a name as Zach is, I prefer 'The idiot who put your sister in a coma.' Second of all, how dare you?"

"Excuse me?" He turned to look back at me, his face a vibrant cranberry-red.

"How dare you?" I repeated.

"I didn't do it on purpose," he muttered, his face now as bright as a fire engine.

"It doesn't matter if you did it on purpose, it was reckless, irresponsible --" my voice was rising with every word, and nurses were turning to stare "-- and completely idiotic. How dare you?"

His face flushed even more. "It. Was. An. Accident. I'm a sprinter, I sprint. It's what I do. I was practicing my sprints, trying to test my limits, and I fell. I'm not in perfect condition either, okay?" He held out a few bruised and bandaged limbs.

"Oh, poor baby. You must be suffering so much. Nothing like going completely unconscious, which isn't a big deal at all."

"That's not what I was saying," he was practically growling at me, but it almost looked like he wanted to cry.

"It sounded like what you were saying."

He didn't answer me but chose instead to stare at his feet, breathing rather heavily. We were blocking the hallway and nurses were shooting us dirty looks, but I couldn't find it in me to care. I wasn't about to back down. This was a hill I was prepared to die on.

After what felt like decades, he spoke, his voice calm and study. "I'm really sorry for what happened. Could I please go up and see her?"

"No." He looked at me, incredulous, but I held my ground. "No, okay? Your idiocy hurt my friend, and I don't want you wrecking her life any more than you have. Go home, sweetie." And before he had the chance to respond, I turned on my heel and walked in what I hope was the direction of the elevator.

The next day, Maggie and I came to visit Violet again only to find Zach standing over her bed -- like the creepy stalker he was.

"What is he doing in there?" I asked, more than slightly pissed.

One of the nearby nurses (who had introduced herself as Jasmine) glanced up at me, "Oh, don't you know him?"

"No," Maggie said. "Does he know Vi?"

"That's her boyfriend," Jasmine laughed. "I thought y'all were sisters? Doesn't she tell you about this sort of thing?"

I grit my teeth. "She didn't mention it." Because he wasn't her boyfriend. I could kill him.

Jasmine laughed even harder. "What is this, some kind of Romeo and Juliet thing? Is he from your rival school or some nonsense? Y'all are seriously just like me and my sisters, I swear." Her shoulders shook with mirth, but I was stonefaced.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Maggie looked so crushed. Did she actually believe what Jasmine was saying?

"Sweetheart, that's just how sisters are. You can't tell each other everything." Jasmine patted her shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better, he seems like a great guy. Sweet manners, well dressed, the works. He even brought her those flowers." We peeked through the doorway to see a bouquet of -- wouldn't you know it -- violets. The sick bastard.

Before I could stop her, Maggie walked into the room. She looked incredibly hurt at being kept out of the loop, but if I knew her at all she would be nothing but kind toward Zach and probably wouldn't stay mad at Violet for long.

I hung back, watching for a bit; I wanted to see how Zach would handle the situation. He looked startled and embarrassed to see her, but kept up the act nonetheless. He was unbelievable, but Maggie was buying it. It was going to be so hard to tell her the truth. Still, I couldn't help but wonder if the nurse was right. After all, he was well-dressed. Who dressed business-casual to visit a stranger in the hospital? And his belt matched his shoes and his leather watchband, which everyone knows is the mark of a truly great guy. He seemed to know just what to say, too; Maggie was simultaneously wiping her eyes and smiling up at him, and I couldn't help but notice how adorable their height difference was. Maggie wasn't particularly short, but he was a full head and shoulders taller than her, and the way they had to tilt their heads to talk to each other was so endearing. Even more sweet was the way he looked at Violet just moments later -- with so much tenderness and sorrow. He was so convincing, I caught myself questioning if he could actually be Violet's secret boyfriend. But that was silly; she would've told us... wouldn't she?

He turned, caught my eye, and grinned sheepishly, blushing just a bit. He was certainly Violet's type. Curly blond hair, ocean-blue eyes, dimples, impeccable fashion sense. His general vibe was one of a calm strength colored by a twinge of sensitivity, and I couldn't pretend he wasn't attractive in his own right.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe myself -- he was a complete idiot, and his gorgeousness could never change that. I should tell Maggie the truth. Still... he had put in a lot of effort to visit Violet, maybe I should cut him some slack? And Maggie seemed to actually like him. I watched her laughing through her tears at something he had said -- probably some idiotic joke -- and decided to leave things be... for now.

Coming next... will Lizzie reveal Zach's true identity?

ALSO if you've read this far (and aren't Dayna or Rachel lol) then thank you! I hope you're enjoying the nonsense. Also, please vote and/or comment! It would make my day :)

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