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My seat belt yanked me down in my seat uncomfortably as gravity brought the vehicle downward. It first landed on my side but then kept rolling. When my body slammed into the center console, a spike of pain ran down the left side of my body as my healing leg got hit. The air bags deployed all of a sudden when it seemed like the chaos couldn't get any worse.

Once I had regained my senses, I stopped the moving of the car with my mind. Though I had ceased the movement, the damage was done. From where I was sitting, hanging upside down and restrained only by my seat belt, I could obviously see that the front of the car was very damaged by the original explosion.

I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I struggled with the locked seat belt. It was beginning to feel like a noose, and the inflated air bag wasn't helping things. I chopped at it with the knife on my belt so that I could get out of the car as quickly as possible.

When I crawled out of the shattered window, Jake was already on his feet, watching the incoming trucks with his gun in his hand. The car had rolled quite a bit, I realized. Thankfully, it had put more space between us and the Club, but not for long. They were driving closer every second.

"We need to steal one of their trucks," Jake muttered as he glared into the sun at the incoming vehicles. I thought about the totaled car behind us and the equipment they probably had in their trucks.

"You're right," I said, and took a step forward into the pathway of the first truck instead of running away.

The sound of the two massive engines was deafening. I waited until the truck was terrifyingly close to me before concentrating on it with both my eyes and brain. My power took hold of it and flipped it up and over myself. I turned with my hands held up at my sides and watched the car turn in midair above my head. It seemed to be moving in slow motion as I calmly stepped out of its way.

I caught sight of the Club member's horrified faces before the first impact. Unlike the car we'd just been in, the metal didn't completely crumple. The roll cage mostly protected the car, but I didn't think that I could say the same for the people inside.

      The truck flipped up again down the abandoned road. There was the grating sound of metal on stone. When the automobile finally stopped sliding across the asphalt, Jake opened fire on the Club member's that were trying to escape the truck, which happened to now be upright.

      Bodies hit the ground as I spun around to push the other truck back with my mind. After I had rolled the massive automobile back a bit, the driver caught on to what I was doing and hit the gas. The force against my power was tripled and I clenched my teeth as I aimed my hand at the truck, willing it to go back.

      Some of the Club members in the back tried to open the doors so they they could get out and attack me on foot, but I forced the doors closed. However, diverting half of my power to keeping the gangster's locked inside meant that the strength keeping the truck from mowing me over became weaker.

      Then I got an idea. I ceased my force against the rig and it came hurdling towards me with the tires screeching on the asphalt. Rolling out of the way at the last second, the truck sped by me before the driver realized what I'd done. The lorry went off the road and broke through a fence of a surrounding farm.

Knowing I'd bought us some time, I sprinted to the other truck that I'd flipped earlier. Jake was throwing the driver's limp body out of the vehicle as I got into the passenger's side and slammed the door shut. My head swiveled to look at the other rig that was beginning to turn around.

The truck bounced as Jake got in and slammed the door shut. All he had to do was turn the keys that were already in the ignition and we were off again.

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