Chapter 1 (Finally!!!)

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Hey guys guess who is finally updating a chapter!! That's right, me!! So here is chapter one, hope you guys like it!! Sorry ahead of time this might suck cause i don't know what to write about and it's really early in the morning where I live so i will be editing this later. i also wanted to dedicate this chapter to CEDCRules66 because they voted on my description and prologue so thank you so much

Chapter 1

Ashton's POV

Hey guys! Ash here. So today i am going to see if Luke posted a new video of him singing today. If there isn't, then I'm going to be sad. 

For those who don't know me... Hi my name is Ashton, and I have this crush on this boy from YouTube. His name is Luke Hemmings. He has the singing voice of an angel!

Anyways, I'm 17 years old from Sydney, Australia. I have no friends, that are real anyways. A lot of people like me because I can play the drums really well.

Now back to Luke. He is just so perfect, starting from his voice, to his hair, to his face, oh and did I mention his voice, I think I did, but oh well.

That voice is just so amazing I dont know why he doesn't try to get a record deal? I would buy all of his albums, and go to every one of his concerts... and I'm rambling aren't I? I'll stop now.  

Now it's time for me to check. I'll be back hold on don't move!

10 minutes later

Guys guess what?!?!? He uploaded a new video and now I'm listening to it. It sounds so lovely, i just love him so much!

His voice is the definition of perfection, heaven, sexy, cute, adorable... and I'm rambling again aren't I?

Well I need to get going now guys. I don't want to, but I have a song to download onto my ipod. So I'll talk to you later!

Love, Ash xx

Luke's POV

Ugh! Why! I really want to leave this place!

Okay, so for those who are lost on what I'm talking about, I'm Luke Hemmings, and I started posting videos on YouTube to become famous, and it has gotten me no where! 

I just want to leave my small town and go out in the world to share it, other than on YouTube. I actually want to got to a famous person, give them a CD of me singing covers of songs, and then have them give it to their producers.

But if I do that, them it means leaving my two bestfriends, and my family here. And I don't want to through with this by myself.

I need the help of my bestfriends but I don't know how. Help?

hey guys, so that was a glimpse of how they were both feeling at the same time. and like i said in the beginning, this chapter probably isn't the best so when i'm less tired i will try to edit this chapter. i hope you liked it! please vote!comment!and follow

loves for all, Jenna N.

PS. I need a name for you guys so can you please comment suggestions i would appreciate it!!

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