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we're just gonna pretend that Brad and Jen split months before they actually did like in July, not October
Thank you


"No no I didn't mean it in that way, I mean your Jennifer Aniston and I'm Leilani Morgan" I stopped to think of what to say next

"I know" a tear rolled down her cheek, did she know what I was talking about? Or does she know who I am?

"You know what" she obviously didn't know who I was

"That you're Leilani" more tears started rolling down her face, what did she mean? How does she know who I am? Who has told her about me? WHAT.

I felt bad just sitting there watching her cry but that's just about all I was able to do. I was about to get up but my mum went instead. She took Jen to a booth across from us and they sat down, Jen started to cry even more still smiling though.

"D...do you know what's happening," I asked my dad because I had no clue

"Maybe you should let them explain they'd be better at it than I would," he said looking over at them.

I looked over at Jen and my mum, Jen was looking at me crying and smiling. After about 5 minutes they started to walk back over to the table. My heart started racing, my head started to hurt I was nervous why was I nervous?

My mum sat down in her seat and Jen took a seat next to me. She wiped her tears away, took a deep breath then started to talk

"Leilani, as you may know, I was married to Brad Pitt. Did you know that?" She asked and I nodded "ok, well we split in July of 2005, but what we both didn't know is that I was pregnant" I couldn't believe this.

She was pregnant? How many people know about this? And if only a handful of people know why is she telling me?

"I found out that I was 4 months pregnant one week after Brad left, I tried to call him and get in touch with him to tell him but he was always busy or out and didn't answer, I didn't know what to do. I only told my family and close friends, and stayed in hiding for the last 5 months of my pregnancy." She took a deep breath. She was trying to hold back her tears I could tell. "I tried and tried to get in touch with brad but he never answered me. I ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl on the 12/12/2005."

"that's my birthday" I almost yelled "that's so cool your daughter and I share a birthday," I said they all started laughing I was confused something about this didn't add up. Why is she telling me this when only a couple of people know

"Yes...yes it is your birthday" Jen started balling her eyes out, I hugged her hoping it would make her feel better. Then I realised what she could be getting at.

"H...Hold on" I let go and she wiped her tears away "are you saying that I...I'm" I couldn't get out what I was trying to say because I was crying too much

"Yes" she confessed

"I'm your" I paused

"Your mine and Brads"

We left the airport after that, the car ride was pretty silent no one really talked much it was kind of awkward. We arrived at Jens's house, it was massive, I've never seen a house this big. When we got inside she gave us a tour and then lead us up to our rooms. My "parents" were in a big guest room down the hall and I was in a really big guest room next to Jens's room. Jen and I walked into my room and sat down on the bed

"So tell me how all of this happened from the beginning please," I asked

"Ok at the start well, it was April of 2005 when I got pregnant, neither brad nor I knew. Before that Brad and I were started to drift apart. I knew it was not gonna last so I spent every moment I could with him but he was spending most of his time with Angelina. I didn't think anything of it I thought that they were just co-stars that became really close friends but I was wrong. One night I was home alone because he said he was out "working on lines" with Angelina. It was 2 am and I was getting really worried so I drove down to his set only to find him and Angelina having uh sex in is the trailer. They didn't see me and I didn't see them but I definitely heard them. I cried the whole way home when I got home I went straight to bed. For the next couple of weeks, I acted like I knew nothing to see what would happen but of course, nothing changed. So that's when I decided to file for a divorce. I did and I don't think I have ever cried so much in my life. After the divorce was finalised I was a mess I couldn't do anything I missed Brad too much"

"I was at the doctor one day for a general check-up they ended up taking some tests as I was not myself, pretty sick, I left that day. They called me about a week later and asked me to come back so I went"

*Flashback to 2005*

"Hi Jennifer, the results from the tests have come back," my doctor said as she was walking into the room

"Anything bad? Anything I should be worried about?"

"well depends, Are you ready to know?" I nodded giving her confirmation

"The tests came back positive for pregnancy. You're pregnant"

I froze, I was shocked I didn't know whether to be happy or terrified, I didn't know whether to smile or to cry, I didn't know what I was going to do. I mean I just got divorced like a month ago and now I am pregnant.

*End of flashback*

"And you know the rest of the story," she said wiping a tear away

"But how didn't you know you were pregnant before"

"Well I don't know, I just thought that I was sick and throwing up because I was stressed about the divorce and everything else that was going on"

"Alright ok. So what happens now?" I asked

"Whatever you want to happen"

"I wanna meet my dad" Too soon?

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