|118|Panic Attacks

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Panic Attacks can be frightening and often a weaking experience, some symptoms (can vary ) includes racing heartbeat, dizziness, nervousness, shortness of breath, sweating, and fear o being out of control.

Here are some ways to prevent an attack from coming and what to and not to do :

Use Deep Breathing
Hyperventilating is a symptom of panic attacks that can increase fear, deep breathing can reduce it .

Recognize that your having a panic attack
Can remind you that this is temporary, it will pass, that you're ok

Close your eyes

Practice mindfulness

Distract yourself
This helps for me the most

Use muscle relaxations technique

Picture your happy place

Take Benzodiazepines helps treat panic attacks, is a prescription medication and can be highly addictive

Watching Tv / Funny video
part of distracting yourself

Write down what's bothering you

Avoid drinking coffee and/or alcohol

Have some alone time
If your in class ask to go to the bathroom or a quiet location, I do this often because it mostly happens at school



these are some of the things that helps me so hopefully this help you ( requested by aaronsvans_ ).


If you have any request, just comment it or private message me and I will answer them the next time I publish or the next QOTW

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