Chapter 8

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It had been around a week since the gathering. The apprintence she had met the day before the gathering had become a warrior.

She had been seeing him a little more in the tunnel under the thunderpath. She knew it was against the code but she had a friend other than her sister or her foster mother.

AlderTail and IcePaw were hanging out more and more.
She knew that she would lose her sister completely when they become warriors.

Infact she was going to become a warrior soon. Her wound in her side had healed so she was able to start training again.

She went over to the medican den to see if FlowerPaw was there.

"Hello? FlowerPaw?"

She wasn't in there.

"Let all cats old enough to lurk in the shadows gather under the shade rock for a clan meeting!"she heard FeatherStar call.

She went into the clearing and sat next to AppleClaw.

"What's going on? There aren't any kits so what's going on?"

"Today we have two apprentices ready to become warriors today. FeatherPaw and IcePaw step forward."

They padded up and sat under the shade rock.

"You two have trained long and hard so it is time for you two to become warriors. I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these two appriteces. FeatherPaw from now on you shall be known has FeatherWing and IcePaw from now on you shall be known has-"

She heard heavy paw steps running towards the camp. Sue saw FlameTail andFlowerPaw running into camp.


Sorry for the short chapter I wanted to have a small cliff hanger but sorry guys.

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