Chapter 11

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FeatherWing heard a yowl if pain coming from the nursery. She growled and stood up padding out of the den to see what was going on.

Silver was the only cat in the nursery. Was she having her kits? She padded over to see her father pacing outside the nursery.

"Don't tell me she's having her kits already." FeatherWing grumbled.

"She is so don't go in and bother her."he snapped.

"Their going to be my brothers and sisters so I might has well stay around!"she snapped back.

After waiting and waiting PoppyPelt and FlowerPaw stepped out of the nursery.

"Is she ok? Are the kits ok?" her father asked.

She had forgotten that she was meant to have three other siblings.......but now she really had none. Anyway.

"She is fine and the kits are fine but one of them is blind and another is deaf" PoppyPelt meowed.

Her fathers ears went down has he looked in the nursery at his mate and his five kits. He slowly padded in and sat next to Silver has she fed the kits.

"Thank you PoppyPelt and FlowerPaw. It wasn't anything you could stop. I understand."FeatherWing meowed.

"Thank you FeatherWing. And I'm sorry that I couldn't be there sooner for IceWind."

She sighed and said it was ok and she knew that she has tried her best. She padded in and looked at her new brothers and sisters.

"FeatherWing we wanted you to name one if them. And name one for IceWind." Silver meowed weakly.

"Ok Silver" she meowed back.

She looked at the kits and saw a black kit. She thought of the name NightKit.

"The black kit can be NightKit. And this brown one can be WoodKit." she meowed.

"Those are great names. I think IceWind would have loved WoodKit." Silver Purred.

"Thank you. Well we'll let you rest."she looked at her father and he nodded his head.

He padded out but Silver called for FeatherWing before she could get out.

"You and MapleStrike have to think about this. What's going to happen if you have kits."she meowed.

"We have Silver. He said he'll come here and be with me and the kits. We have thought of everything. There's nothing to worry about." she meowed.

"Thank you though Silver."

Thinking of MapleStrike she was going to go see him. She knew he would be waiting for her there because they had thought of a time they could meet.

She raced out of camp to the tunnel. When she got there she saw MapleStrike on the ground with her father over him with his claws out.

"Dad no! Don't hurt him!" she yowled slightly.

"Who is he?!" he snapped.

"He's my mate!" she blurted out.

"Your what?!"

He looked back at MapleStrike and growled. She ran and hit her father in his side to make him get off him.

"How could you betray your clan!" FeatherWing hissed.

"She wasn't going to betray you! I was going to join your clan FeatherStar!"

Finally done. Its not that I don't enjoy writting this. I really do its just the time I'm doing them is getting harder and harder to find time for because I'm getting more home work I'm getting more stuff to do over my house and I have to practice a trumpet because I'm in yeah.......enjoy the rest of the book. Chapter 12 will be out whenever it can be. It might be a little later than normal.

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