Chapter 29

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MapleStar's POV

"No!" He yowled.

FeatherWing laid there on the ground. He couldn't lose her. Not now.  Not ever

He scratched the can in front of him then ran over to FeatherWing.

"FeatherWing wake up. Please wake up!" He cried.

FlowerPelt and OakPaw came running towards them.

"You need to get back in there! Now!" FlowerPelt called.

"Mother will be fine father. Trust us." OakPaw purred.

MapleStar nodded his head and stood up. OakPaw was right. He had a clan to defend.

He searched for RiverStar and jumped towards him.

"You. You almost killed one of my warriors! Thats against the code!" He growled.

RiverStar laughed.

"What code? I don't follow a code!" He yowled.

The battle stopped. All the cats looked at RiverStar.

Mummers started going around through the RiverClan cats.

"We've been following a leader that doesn't follow the warrior code?'' A RiverClan cat muttered.

A RiverClan cat stepped forward.

"I knew you were a horrible leader!" The cat yowled.

"LionFur." Another cat meowed.

"We all knew it. Guys please. We all knew it." LionFur continued.

The RiverClan cats nodded their heads. They then started moving forward towards RiverStar.

MapleStar padded back so he got out of their way. He watched in wonder on what they were doing. The ShadowClan cats watched in wonder has well.

The RiverClan cats all led RiverStar out of the camp. MapleStar followed.

"You are no longer leader of RiverClan. From now on you will be a rouge." LionFur growled.

"You can do that!" RiverStar growled back.

"Yes they can. If they don't feel like a leader is right. They can kick them out." MapleStar meowed.

RiverStar growled and ran towards WindClan territory.

"I am so sorry MapleStar. If we had known we would have thrown him out sooner. If there is anything you need we can help." LionFur meowed.

"Its okay my warriors will heal. Hopefully one will be okay." MapleStar meowed.

LionFur nodded his head and padded out of the ShadowClan camp with the RiverClan cats following. MapleStar looked at his clan.

"You all fought well. Go and rest up you deserve it." He meowed.

The ShadowClan cats grouped off and padded to their dens. Silver and Ash getting the elders,queens, and lots from his den.

He walked over to the medicine den.  He poked his head in.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"You can." FlowerPelt meowed.

He walked in and say OakPaw laying next to FeatherWing.

"We've done all we can. She's in StarClan's paws now." FlowerPelt whispered.

MapleStar nodded his head and padded over to FeatherWing. His ears went down and licked her between her ears.

He padded out and went to the apprinteces den.

"WolfPaw,TreePaw,NightPaw,AshPaw,FeatherPaw,IcePaw. Please come with me." MapleStar meowed.

They looked at their father and padded out of the appinteces den.

"I have some bad news. Your mother was hurt badly and there is a chance she may not survive. She's in StarClan's paws now." he meowed sadly.

"But OakPaw and FlowerPelt are taking care of her. Right?" WolfPaw asked.

"They have done everything they can. If she does die you can't blame it on them. StarClan is in control now." he meowed.

"Can we go see mother one last time? While she's still alive." FeatherPaw asked.

"Of course.''

They padded to the medicine den and went inside.

This couldn't be it. StarClan had to keep her alive. They just had too. Right?

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