Going To Town

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   I finally decided to continue the story! Sorry it took so long, I have school and work, so it's been difficult find spare time. It may be a while before the next one comes out, sorry about that. Anyway hope you enjoy!

It had been two days since the greed pair slept together. Hyde hadn't seen Licht that much because he had been doing multiple performances a day and was super busy. Feeling tired of waiting on his angel of music, he pestered Licht's manager, "Crantz, where is Licht-tan, I am bored!"

"He is practicing his piano preparing for the next concert. Why? Do you miss your boyfriend that badly?" Crantz looking smug, put down the magazine he was reading and stared at Hyde's face.

"What! Buh boyfriend?" Lawless stuttered. "He is a sadistic narcissist! I don't even want to think about it!" Hyde's face was extremely red. Realizing this, he tried to run out of the room when the door opened and he slammed into Licht.

"Ouch!" Hyde shook his head and looked up at Licht.
"Damn demon!"
Licht kicked the confused vampire in the face.
"Licht! That hurts!" Lawless shouted. He then got up and had a gloating look on his face. "You really are strong Angel-chan!" Hyde joked playfully as he dodged another kick.
"Die until you're dead!" Licht shouted angrily at the taunting demon.
"Aww! You know you love me! ..." Lawless paused realizing what he said.

Licht kicked him to the ground before working in his brain what Lawless said, "You know you love me!" Suddenly both Licht and Hyde's faces were as red as cherries.

Crantz snickered and had an idea. "Both of you need to stop fighting! Take the rest of the day off and go to town! You are not allowed to split up and you must learn to get along!"
"Wa what! Crantz! No you can't!"
"Well, if you two would get along!"
Crantz then shoved them both out the door and locked it.

"Damn it Crantz! Don't stick me with this stupid shit rat!"
"Sure Crantz isn't the demon?" Lawless gloatingly asked Licht.
Licht kicked him, "Shut up you stupid demon!"
Lawless stopped smirking, "Now what?"
Licht tugged at the door, "I guess we go explore."
Licht started to leave Lawless. "We are supposed to stay together, do you not remember what Crantz told us?!"
"Whatever, I can't believe I am stuck with a shit rat like you!" Licht scowled waiting on Lawless.

"Licht-tan, you need a disguise!" Hyde ran over to Licht and shoved his glasses on the  surprised angel's face. It took a couple of seconds for Licht to realize what happened. Lawless admired the stunned angel in his glasses, until...

"Die you damn shit rat!" Licht yelled and kicked Lawless away from him. He yanked the glasses off his face and stomped on them, shattering them to pieces.

"My glasses! Licht!" Lawless picked up the shattered pieces. "Ugh! At least I don't actually need them, I just think they look cool." He muttered to himself.

"Let's go! Stupid demon!"
"Fine, stop shouting." Lawless sighed, threw his glasses remains on the ground, and ran after Licht.

They walked around town for a bit looking through windows. Lawless saw multiple things he wanted. "Angel-Chan, can I have this?" He pointed at a ring with a hedgehog on it.

"Hell no, I'm not buying you anything!"
"Aww! Licht! But it was a ruby as an eye! It looks just like me!"
"That gives me more reason to hate it!"
"But it's adorable!"
"Not if it looks like you!"
"You're just hiding your feelings."
"You're right, but I don't want to set the store on fire just to destroy that stupid ring and you!" Licht started to walk away, thoroughly done with this conversation.

Lawless feeling mischievous stopped and snickered. Licht turned around to see Hyde's face.
"What are you doing moron! You're slowing me down!"
With a huge smile on his face, Lawless spoke, "I was just thinking about how nice you were when I was sick."

Licht glared at him.
"You even slept with me when I asked you to ask! Not to mention you were there all night! Did you enjoy it Licht-tan?"
"DIE!" Licht jumped around Lawless and grabbed his scarf, strangling him.

"O-Ok" Hyde choked trying to get Licht off his scarf. "I wo-won't talk about it ag-an!"
Licht let go of the scarf and got away from Lawless. Hyde rubbed his throat and followed Licht.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it. Have a fantastic day!

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