Christmas/Licht's Birthday

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"Guess what Licht-tan?"
"What do you want Nezumi?"
"Tomorrow's Christmas!"
Hyde's smile fell, "Licht-tan! You don't want to celebrate?"
"Do I have a choice?" He looked down at his leg, "I'm stuck here, I can't get out like you can."
Lawless frowned, they had planned on going to Mahiru's for the holiday. However, Licht got his leg chomped on by a wolf and had to rest.
"Why don't you go on without me hedgehog? I'll be fine, enjoy yourself, Baka."
Thinking about it the vampire muttered, "I'm not leaving you."
"Baka nezumi! Go have fun for a change! Don't worry about me."
Then an idea appeared in the blood suckers mind. "All right Licht-tan, I'll go, just for you."
"Alright angel cakes! I think I'm going to head there now so that Mahiru can have an amazing Servamp, that's not useless, to help him cook!" And Lawless left Licht alone in his bed.
"Baka Nezumi. I would be happy if I could spend Christmas with you."

At Mahiru's apartment
"Mahiru! I need help!"
"Hey Lawless, what's going on? I thought you weren't coming."
"I wasn't going to, but then I decided that since Licht can't come and have Christmas here, we should go to him and have Christmas there!"
"I guess we could do that, it sounds fun!"
"Sounds like a pain to me." A small black cat walked into the room.
"Kuro! Licht's our friend, and Lawless is your brother! We are doing this and that's final!"
"Can't deal!" Kuro turned back into his human form.
"Kuro!" Mahiru walked over to Kuro and kissed him.
"Woah! Mahiru! Are you two dating now?"
"Yeah, he asked me a little while back, after him and Sakuya were having a tiny war. I don't know why though, and Kuro won't tell me."
"I think I know." Lawless looked at Kuro with a smug look on his face.
"You do? What is it?"
Kuro gave Lawless a death glare, and Lawless decided on not telling Mahiru, "Sorry Mahiru but my lips are sealed."
"Fine, we should start cooking." Mahiru went to the kitchen and the Servamps followed.
The three went to work to create their Christmas dinner. Mahiru left Lawless and Kuro in charge of the cake. However when he turned around he was horrified. "Lawless! Cake doesn't need eight bags of sugar!
Grabbing another bag of sugar Lawless whined, "Aww! But Mahiru! I want it extra sweet for Licht-tan!"
"No! That's not how cake works! And Kuro! Don't just put an egg in the mix! You need to crack it open and make sure egg shells don't get in the cake!"
"Such a pain! The recipe says it needs one egg, not one insides of the egg."
"It's assumed! You know what! Out! Both of you! Out now! I will remake the cake!"
The two Servamps slumped out of the kitchen, sad that they couldn't help cook.
After several hours of Mahiru banging in the kitchen, he finally came out. "Alright! Everything is done and ready for tomorrow. Lawless, you should go home and spend the rest of the day with Licht. We'll be there tomorrow at noon."
"Yeah! Alright bye."
"Tell Licht I said happy birthday."
"Today's his birthday!?!"
"Yeah, it's his nineteenth."
"I feel like such an asshole! I have to go now!" Lawless bursted from the room and ran down the street until he got to Licht's apartment. He bolted into Licht's bedroom and gave the shocked and confused angel a large kiss. After a couple of seconds, Licht returned the kiss and moved his tongue around Hyde's mouth.
The two finally broke away gasping for air. "What's gotten into you shit rat?"
"Happy birthday Licht-tan!"
Licht looked shocked, "Thanks hedgehog."
"I'm so sorry I didn't know! I left you alone on your birthday!"
"It's ok moron, if I cared that you knew I would have told you."
"But as your boyfriend, I should have found out! Your name is literally everywhere and I could have looked it up online anytime! I'm sorry!"
"I told you I don't care."
After Licht had calmed Lawless down, the two talked all night. Finally they were both so tired that they started to fall asleep. Neither of them thinking about being in the same bed.
<~Time Skip~>
The next day Mahiru and Kuro had decided to come over and bring the food. They had placed the table and were now ready for Lawless to get Licht.
"Where is Lawless? I texted him, but he didn't reply."
"He is such a pain! He wasn't in his room."
"Maybe he's in with Licht? Let's crack the door to see."
The two went over to see if Lawless was in Licht's room. They cracked the door to look in. And then they saw the Greed pair.
They gaped. Finally Kuro spoke waking up the two. "Wow bro! You move quickly!"
Lawless head jerked up and he realized that he was sleeping with Licht. He jumped out of bed and ran out of the room super red. Licht was blushing as well and was angry about Lawless leaving him. At the same time, he was happy that he got to sleep with his hedgehog.
Mahiru and Kuro left to go talk to Lawless.
"Nice job bro! I'm so impressed by your restraint!"
"Shut up! We were just tired!"
"Kuro stop picking on Lawless! Anyway, Lawless do you think you can go get Licht and bring him into the dining room?"
"Yeah." Lawless walked away, his ears still red. He went to Licht's room, and walked in. Licht looked at him, his face still slightly red.
"Hey angel," Lawless spoke awkwardly, afraid Licht was mad at him, "Do you want to have lunch with me?"
"I guess."
Lawless walked over to Licht and prepared to help him up. Suddenly Licht pulled Hyde's head in and started kissing him. When he broke apart he said, "I'm not mad at you moron. I love you."
Lawless suddenly happy helped Licht up and walked him into the dining room. Lawless looked over at Licht and saw that the angel was shocked when he saw all the food. Smiling himself, Lawless saw a slight smile on Licht's face.
"Thanks Lawless."
Now it was Hyde's turn to be shocked, Licht had just thanked him! Lawless gave a chuckle and kissed Licht, "You're welcome angel."

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