Chapter 1

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~Chapter 1~

"Baby please wake up, it's time for school." Harry's mum yelled while knocking on his door, making him get out of his comfortable bed because he knew that if he won't do it right away then he'll never do it.

He walked to his closet and opened it, staring for a few seconds. He likes to take his time and make the best choices for the day even though no one cares and everyone will only laugh at him. He just likes to look pretty.

He decided to go with some over the knee socks, his favourite purple jumper that was slightly cropped and a simple white skirt with some lace trimming at the bottom.

He got into his shower with his clothes resting on the counter top, and started to wash his body down. He was singing away to some Ed songs and made sure to shave everything, especially since he chose a skirt to wear for today.

He was finally all clean and smelt like strawberries so he dried off and put on his clothes. He liked to pair his favourite top with this specific skirt cause it left a very narrow strip of his stomach to be seen. It wasn't too short or anything either so he loved this combination.

The fact that he loved to wear whatever he wanted wasn't because he wanted to be a girl, he actually enjoyed the clothes, nothing more than that.

He would have never even known as he never had the urge but Gemma who was only a few years older than himself, made him play dress ups with her when they were children. Gemma always wanted to be a designer and she made sure to bribe Harry into being her personal little model. Neither of them expected Harry to actually like it.

Obviously he tried to suppress the feelings for years as that's what you're supposed to do. Society tells people that it's wrong for boys to be beautiful. It's way beyond Harry why. Thankfully his family happens to be the most amazing, supportive group of people that has ever walked the face of earth.

A few of Harry's distant relatives thinks that what his parents let him to do, which is dressing up by himself, is wrong. As obviously no one shall ever have that right. Note the sarcasm. Harry is allowed to be excluded from all the family events that take place with these certain people so he's good.

Unfortunately not everything is perfect so he has to deal with bullying, his mum has already done so much to lessen it and he's come to a point where pretty much everyone leaves him to be. Except the stares and nasty words but at least it doesn't get physical anymore. He doesn't actually get why they feel personally affected by the way he dresses and lives HIS OWN life but they do so Harry tries to just suck it up and not let the words get to him.

It's hard not to dwell on things though. When so many people genuinely think that what you do is wrong and say that you're a worthless failure it's hard not to acknowledge and after a while agree with such criticism.

Harry tries though and whenever he walks down the stairs to have breakfast, his parents and Gemma always make sure to tell him how beautiful he looks and when he gets home they remind him again.

This is something that their family has grown to do since no one else ever compliments Harry. No one. That isn't good, if you actually think about how many people compliment you, you'd be surprised. Most of us receive compliments from our friends, family even strangers whoever makes them we usually just slip past it, Harry isn't someone who does that. If someone takes their own time to compliment him he'll make sure to appreciate it.

Well he also has a single friend in school. They don't actually have any classes together. His name is Niall and he's basically friends with everyone. Harry will still never be able to appreciate the fact that he's the only reason that he doesn't have to eat alone.

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