Part 2

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Riley POV:

Its Been A Week, Jamal had been trying to apologise this whole week, but I've just been ignoring him and making him think I hate him because well I think it'll be better that way. I don't need problems in my life. And Jamal is problematic and problematic people never change.


Riley, Pure, and Aslay we're walking to school together. But Riley seemed out of it, like an alive but active sleeping person.

Aslay: RILEY!

Riley just nodded

Pure: Riley what's wrong?

Riley: Im fine

Aslay: You don't care about what's people gonna say if you keep acting like this your different?

Riley: No I don't care, I shouldn't. I don't need to be put down. I'll just smile.....

Riley said that while walking but kicking the rocks and sticks on the floor.

Pure and Aslay just nodded they couldn't do anything they knew Riley was independent and liked to keep her problems to herself she's only let it out if she really needed too.

Finally they got to the school:

Aslay: Hey Riley!

Riley just walked off and went to class without them. She didn't feel like talking or wasting her breath. She just wanted to learn, rest her head and go home.

Riley was still on the verge of crying but she wouldn't let her tears out, because she thought that meant she was weak and she didn't want to be weak. Riley hated being called weak, So she became stronger this way.

Then the bell rang, Jamal wasn't in her first period class, she was by herself in first period.

Class Ended, Riley was walking out of the room and got a text:

Pure: Meet us at the cafeteria we're coming soon!

Riley: Yeah I'll be there😊

Then she put her phone away and looked up and saw Jamal with his friends there all problematic nutheads she thought. And walked away. She couldn't help but stare at them though, and little did she know Jamal couldn't help but stare when she wasn't looking either.

At The Cafeteria:

Aslay: Who got the medal in your class?

Pure: What medal?

Aslay: Silly! The monthly medals Mays medal is for a responsible student! And we're in the same class so you should know I GOT IT!

Pure: Oh yea sorry

Then they looked at Riley who was looking at her phone while eating sliently then behind her sat Jamal and Riley didn't see He was staring at her He looked away. Pure and Aslay looked back and forth from the two. Riley felt their stares and put her head up, Pure and Aslay just stared at Riley,

Riley: What?

Aslay: Jamal, Are you sure your not gonna talk to him?

Riley: Im sure.....

Pure: But!

Riley cut her off

Riley: I don't need a friend thats a boy in my life anyways! Im not allowed to date till last year high school anyways....

Pure then whispered since she didn't know if Jamal could hear them becaude well his table is literally just right behind Riley.

Pure: Weren't you two dating anyways? You know since Gr9?

Riley: About that....

Riley told them the truth that she misunderstood their "relationship"

Aslay: What!?

Pure: How? No friends willingly let their guy friend kiss them and let them over to their house and tell them I love you and stuff!


Riley: I know. I feel manipulated because of that....

Aslay: Ok

Then Riley put in her headphones and kept eating. Signaling them she no longer wanted to speak with them.

Aslay and Pure got the message and nodded. But they did find it rude sometimes.

While Riley was enjoying her music, she didn't notice a single tear fell out. She wiped it and thought no one saw. Well at least her friends didn't. But Jamal did. He frowned and went up to Riley not caring if her friends are there. Riley noticed him and closed her eyes ignoring him. But Jamal pulled both her earphones out of each ear and dragged her to the lockers no one should be there now. Everyone was in the cafeteria.

Riley: I told you to go away

She couldn't look him in the eye and said that very softly.

Jamal: Riley!

Riley: W-what?

Jamal: Im sorry

Riley: I accept but Please go away!

Jamal: No you didn't!

Riley: Stop bothering me!

Riley got herself out of his grip and ran back to the cafeteria to get her stuff and ran to her next class art class. But that class was with Jamal.

They we're doing painting and Jamal and Riley sat opposite from each other. Causing Riley never to look up unless she had to but she avoided looking at the person in front of her Jamal. Riley was slowly turning more and more muted. While they we're painting Jamal threw the blue paint on her. Riley immediately looked up angry in the eyes but soft in voice.

Riley: Why did you do that?

Jamal: Look at me!

Riley: I told you to stop already! Just accept it and move on!

Jamal just stayed quiet after that. Riley just kept painting when she was finished she asked to go out of class and changed. Luckily she had extra pairs of clothes in her locker.


Bai, A/N

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