Part 12

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Jamal POV:

When Riley came home, I wanted to know if she was ok. I went to her door. I was going to knock but something stopped me. I just went away instead into my own room. And then my sister June came.

June: Hey, You ok?

I brushed across my hair with my hand.

June: Bro, Don't stress yourself.....

Jamal: Hey, do you think I should just stick with Caylee and mind my own business without Riley?

June: Hm..... I don't know

June pointed at my heart. Then held her own.

June: You know, just listen to what this says.... What will make you happier?

Jamal: I don't know. I'm happy with Caylee. But whenever Riley's around, I have to force myself not to look. And I am happy with Caylee but I just....

June:You just?

Jamal: It doesn't feel right.....

June: Well.... As your older sister, I want to say everything will be alright. But, I'm telling you what your doing is wrong then if you have a blank space somewhere in you.

Jamal: June, you had a boyfriend before. I wanna know, what does the girl in the relationship feel?

June: She'll be happy until she slowly loses her patience with you because you did something wrong and could be anything as long as it hurt her. And I'm not gonna compare you to my ex before, but you we're kinda like him just he was worst. Your kinder. He treated me with care, and was comfortable around me. But then after a year he changed and was aggressive and acted like an unloyal and untrustworthy man. Of course, I thought maybe he just had personal problems he had to deal with, but once it got too much, It hurt too much. I had to do what was best and let him go. Which is probably what Riley feels right now.

Jamal: But, I thought we we're fine!

June: She may have made you think that way so you wouldn't worry. But for her it would've pained.

Jamal: What do I do?

June: How long did she hold on to you?

Jamal: I don't know.....

June: Well when did you start being that way to her?

Jamal: In our 3rd year as friends.

June: Jamal...

Jamal: Yea

I looked up at her. Why did she sound different?

June: I feel like there was more than just what you've told me.

Jamal: What do you mean?

June: You both act as if you we're dating and not friends. Did you like her?

Jamal: I don't know!

June: What about her then? You didn't tell me, Who left who?

Jamal: I might've thought she liked me. But she's good at lying so I could be wrong. When people ask her if she likes me, she always says No with a straight face. I can never see through it.

June: And who left who?

Jamal: Her.....

June: What happened?


Jamal POV:

We ditched class, cause she told me too. She said she had something important to tell me, but it was kinda weird because we would never skip classes this is my first time.

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