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"There will never be another beside my one true love Joker!"

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"There will never be another beside my one true love Joker!"

"Oh please, you and Joker. Can you at least try to look or even glance at the other males in our school instead of a villain.. is there something you're hiding? A villain kink?!"

Jazmine gasps, dumbfounded at her vulgar assumption. "Not even! He's just a crazy dream to be riding with." She claims

"Yeah, well you won't be riding anything anytime soon with that mindset." Araceli mutters, roughly scratching her nail against the nail filer.

"I don't understand how you could be so social, actually I don't even understand how we are even friends." Jazmine says laying herself flat onto the comforter.

"First of all, rude. We grew up together, basically came out a conjoined vagina at this point. You love me, don't deny it."

With a pout and a huff, "Yeah, I do." Jazmine admitted causing Araceli to smirk.

"Now get your ass out of bed before it becomes flat and no guy will want you, we got school sugar."

"I've never seen you be excited for school, who is the lucky person now?"

"None of your business miss piggy." Araceli says as Jazmine giggles, shimmying into her sweatpants and an oversized sweater.

"Don't break your new chew toy within the first day, you're gonna run out of them."

Araceli rolls her eyes, grabbing her phone charger from the outlet and shoving it into her mess of a backpack.

"You have no reason to talk, you can't even get any. Now let's go!" Araceli says, patting the back of Jazmine as she stuffs her face with some Oreos, snacks are her priority. As well as waving to her sleeping cat, Mamas.

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Lunch was just 5 minutes away, Jazmine has never really liked school lunch but since Araceli always packs a secret lunch for her she's excited to see what she's brought.

Her knee bouncing up and down, anxiety slightly there but just enough to keep her sane. Calculus makes her want to rip her hair out but she knows it's going to be worth it in the long run, as least that's what she hopes for.

The loud and static chime of a bell released her from her daze, as she swings her backpack around her arm and speed-walks out of the classroom with not a single glance back. She wanted to see Araceli, but mostly wanted to see her lunch.

As if her day could get any worse, because it never gets worse. She's surprised to see another person sitting with Araceli. Obviously confused she cautiously approaches, debating if she should even approach at all. Almost as if Araceli knew she was about to walk away, she calls her name, waving her over. Now Jazmine was on edge as the man looks over to her with a smile.

'Oh!' She thought this was her new toy, slowly easing her shoulders she smiles, approaching them with a friendly aura to cover the anxiety nonetheless. Taking a seat, looking at Araceli as if demanding her to speak so there isn't an awkward silence.

"Jazmine, I found someone who you can socialize with! He's a transfer from Spain, isn't that cool?!" She beams with excitement, but Jazmine froze at the phrase "I found someone."
Araceli has tried to introduce Jazmine to new people multiple times, but most of them end up ignoring her, and trying to hit on Araceli. Jazmine had a talk with Araceli about never trying this again because it obviously failed multiple times, but she knew her best friend was stubborn. Something that Jazmine can't fight.

"Oh really? That's cool, is this your first day?" Jazmine asks, averting her eyes to the man, examining his every feature. To say he was handsome was an understatement. He was quite breathtaking.

Honey eyes, slightly arched nose, thick but perfect shaped eyebrows. His lashes long and pitch black, chin nice and round. His facial shape was sharp, teeth pearly and his lips slightly full. He was a real charmer, but his shoulder length hair was what made it better.

"I've been here for about six weeks, it's been quite interesting and fun to adapt to a new school."

Jazmine's face flushed at his soothing deep voice, almost like a siren trying to lure a sailor. It could entrance anybody and it sure as hell did to her.

"He is looking for some friends and I thought we should accompany him as he adjusts better!" Araceli says, smirking at the flushed face of Jazmine. She knows this was a good choice and that's frustrating Jazmine even more.

Now Jazmine can socialize when it comes to having to, but it doesn't particularly means she enjoys it. She likes her bubble and when new people walk in her safe space it doesn't always last long.

"Well, I hope you find yourself liking this school."

"He's loving it, I'm surprised you haven't heard he's been quite popular with his gentleman charms." Araceli says giving Jazmine a sneaky wink.

"Can I see your schedule?" Jazmine asks, the man taking his phone from his pocket, taking a second before handing the phone to her. Jazmines small hands can barely wrap around the phone with one, so she holds it with two. She can't pay for someone else's phone just because she's clumsy.

"You have my first two morning classes and then my last afternoon, seems like you also have off periods so you get out early just like me." Jazmine says, handing the phone back as she glances down at the large hand.

"Sweet then do you mind if I follow you to our class?" Jazmine freezes up, his voice is definitely something she needs to get used to, his accent is quite charming.

"Yeah sure, I'll show you the way after lunch."

"Oh! This is so great! By the way I don't think we ever got your name?" Araceli turns to the man. He smiles at both of us, "I'm Zane."

"I'm Araceli, and this is Jazmine with a Z!" Araceli points to Jazmine, who awkwardly waved to Zane. What a fitting name for an appearance like him.

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