i'd rather get hurt then hurt you

111 21 2

"the finest souls are those who gulped pain and avoided making other taste it"


sometimes when
all you feel is pain,
you become numb to it.

you don't mind feeling broken
because you're so used to it.

you don't mind welcoming pain,
because that's all you've ever felt.

the idea of happiness, is so foreign to you
that you're scared of being happy,
because you know it won't last.
something always go wrong,
you know it always does.

sometimes when all you feel is pain,
you'd rather take the pain, then have
someone else go through it.

that's why I wanted you to decide,
if you still wanted me.

and even though
you said you did,
I know you didn't.

that's why I wanted you to decide,
if you still want us  t o g e t h e r. 

because i'd rather be broken then break you.

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