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I don't know how much time has passed, but I feel Belen take my hand and start yanking me towards the stage.

"I need to get closer" she shouts to me, holding up her camera.

I don't see the need in me going with her but I don't complain. I let myself get pulled into the crowd of people (mainly consisting of girls) that formed right in front of the little stage. She doesn't stop until we reach the front.

I close my eyes. I let myself sway to the beat of the music with the rest of the crowd.

After what could have been hours, the main singer speaks up, "For our last song we're going to switch it up."

Thats all he says as the drummer and him switch places. After adjusting the mic someone hands him a stool and an acoustic guitar. Once he's all settled he looks around the room. From where I stand I have a clear view of his eyes. I can see that they're hazel, but what I really notice is the storm of emotion in them.

He closes his eyes.

His melody starts and I get lost in his voice.

A/N: The song I attached is what I picture him singing

When the song is over, The entire room explodes into cheers. I feel chills all over my body and I'm truly speechless.

"Wow, he's amazing" Belen says and the only thing I can do is nod my head in agreement.

"Thank you guys for coming" he gets up from his stool and I'm not even paying attention to what happens next. My mind is swirling with questions.

"Hey I'm going to get a couple more pictures, I'll be right back when I'm done" Belen's voice snaps me out of my mind. I notice the crowd starts to spread apart.

I make my way back to Lorenzo. When I take my seat, he see the look on my face and laughs.

"I bet you have a million questions" he lightly shoves my shoulder with his.

"Yes! They were so good, I can't believe I never heard of them before this! They're so talented" I say, my voice raising higher and higher with each statement.

"Yeah I have to admit, I really liked their music" Lorenzo nods.

We sit there watching people interact, my mind replaying the lyrics from tonight.

"Bethy! Enzo!" I hear Dianas voice yell from across the room waving us over. She's standing next to a blushing Belen, and Adrian, the lead singer (who is apparently Belen's husband number 4). Lorenzo and I make our way over there.

"Okay these so these are my twins, Belen and Lorenzo" Diana starts the introductions when we reach them, "and this is my beautiful Elizabeth, she will be doing the interview."

I give him a polite smile and a little wave. He smiles at all of us, "Awesome, nice to meet you guys!"

I was right, his eyes are a light shade of brown.

Then he turns to me, "Is it okay if you give us like 15 minutes before we start the interview? We usually like to hang out and talk to everyone who came."

"Of course! Take your time, I'll meet you guys in the back garden and we can talk there" I smile. It's nice that they like to hang out with the people who came to watch them.

"Alright we won't take too long," then he turns to Diana, "Thank you so much for letting us perform here, muchisimas gracias"

"Of course" Diana says with a smile, clearly impressed that he spoke spanish to her. By the look on Belens face she's impressed too.

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