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What shocks me the most is the frown missing from his face. He's actually smiling, laughing even.

When his eyes meet mine his smile disappears and shakes his head, "Good God."

Lorenzo notices my hesitation and turns to look at me, "Everything okay?"

"Just dandy," I murmur as I start making my way to the back of the class. Making sure I'm far away from the idiot.

Maybe, just maybe I won't even notice his presence.

As I'm walking to the empty seats in the back I notice Belen and Lorenzo aren't following, they're just staring at me with a look of pure confusion.

"Don't you want to sit in the front? You usually can't see from the back..." Lorenzo asks.

Ugh he's right. I mentally face palm myself, "Right."

The only seats available are right behind the idiot. Great. So much for pretending he isn't in my class.

Slowly, I grudgingly make my way to the seat next to Belen. When I look at her face I see she has a mischievous look on her face.

She knows why I don't want to sit here and is enjoying every second of this.

I turn around and face Lorenzo with pleading eyes, "Trade me seats?"

He smiles and reaches out to ruffle my hair, "Nah, I like being in the middle of the class."

I turn back around and sigh.

The idiot turns to me and raises an eyebrow, "And you're not stalking me?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Get over yourself."

"Seriously? What strings did you pull to do this?" he asks

"Clearly I did something terrible in my past life."

The idiot shakes his head and turns around. The urge to throw my eraser at the back of his head is very strong.

Thankfully, the bell rings and the teacher stands up from her desk. She walks to stand in front of us and claps her hands together.

"Hi everyone, I hope you guys all had a nice break and are ready to get back to work," She says with a big smile. I know I'm going to love this teacher already.

"Okay so lets get right into this," She grabs a stack of papers and starts passing them out, "this class is going to involve heavy reading and a lot of papers."

While everyone else groans, I can't help but feel excited. I grab the paper and look at the list of books we're going to be reading.

"Now, we're going to be reading 8 books total. Which means one book every two weeks, trust me guys... that isn't a lot. It's very doable. The first week we spend with the book will be purely reading and discussing. The second week we will be having writing seminars and that Friday your paper will be due. No exceptions, I do not accept late work."

She goes into detail about our final. Which honestly is super easy, there won't be a big test or anything like that. We just have to create a presentation and paper on which book was our favorite and explain why.


"Okay I want everyone in the first and third row to flip their desk around, facing the person behind them."

I freeze at her words. What? Why?

I can tell the boy in front of me feels the same way as his back tenses. Slowly he starts to turn his desk turn me, and when I finally see his face he does not look happy at all.

An Emerald LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang