Chapter 7

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[If you like 5 Seconds of Summer go read my 5SOS fanfic called 'Discovered' ;)

Uriah's house is massive, so I managed to bag a room all to myself for the night. Sometimes I talk in my sleep, so I don't want to share with any one as I I don't want anyone to know about my past.

I lock the door, take off my trousers and slip into bed, to fall into the dark void of sleep.


My mum lay on a white bed, struggling to breath. I tried to stop for help, but no sound came out my mouth. Nobody came running through the door.

Machines started to constantly bleep. The bleeps became faster and faster, until it was one constant noise.

My mum turn white and went limp.


I woke up, as a silent scream came out my mouth.

Everything was catching up with me and there was a huge pain in my chest. There was only one way to get rid of it.

I unlocked the bedroom door and silently crept downstairs into the kitchen, making my way over to the knife block.

The blade made a satisfying noise as I pulled it out of the wooden block. I pull my wristbands up my arm, reviling previous scars. I pull the point of the blade to one side of my wrist, sunk the blade in and pulled it to the other side.

1, 2, 3 -

I heard someone walk down the steps and heading towards the kitchen, towards me. 

There was no time to put the knife anywhere, so I put it in my bloody hand and hid it behind my back along with my wrist.

Four appear through the kitchen door.

"What you doing here?" I ask.

"I was going to ask the same to you. I am just getting a drink of water," he says. "What's behind your back?" He noticed that I am hiding something.

He walked up to me, pulling me arm out from behind my back, reviling the blooded blade and wrist.

"Oh my goodness, Tris. What have you done?" he said in a whispered shout.

I suddenly break down crying and he catches me in his arms.

"Come on. Let's go and get you cleaned up," he says, pushing tears away from my eyes.

[A/N: Omg... I updated because Sophie was giving me hell ;)

I might discontinue this cause this cause I'm not really into Divergent anymore. I'm more into bands.

Go read my 5SOS FANFIC called 'Discovered' :)

love you my lil Pansycakes!

Oli x ]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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