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As Tatsumi was running around not believing they will train with them on the spot"This Cant be happening!?"He scream like a Crazy Boy"Will Tatsumi this is happening.....and i hate it......"Takeshi said looking at General Esdeath's Group"AUGH!!!!WORST DAY EVER!!!!!"Tatsumi said pulling some of his hair"Will its Ok for Me and Yuu to Train with them but with you training with them isnt a good idea.....how about you go to Captain Mako and Ask permission maybe he will accept it?"Takeshi said pointing at Captain Mako"*sight*Worth a Shot?"Tatsumi said as he left Takeshi and Yuu Talking

"Ahh Cap-I mean Mako?Can I not train with them?i have my own reasons and i just cant let them see me doing my stuff so?Can i Go somewhere else?"Tatsumi said ,His eyes where full of hope and a burning Passion"You Can But after your Training Get back Immediatly understood?"Captain Mako said with a smile,Tatsumi Smiled Back and started to run but before he was a little far he shouted at him"Thank you Mako bye!ill be back later-oh!and dont tell them about me not going to train with them pls?!"Tatsumi then continue to run until C'Mako cant see him,As Tatsumi Was running he cant help but smile for himself that they found a perfect Captain for them

(At the Free Surface)

Tatsumi Finally found a Place to Begin his training after an hours of Finding,It was a very nice view ,there was a Water Falls which he totally need for his training....his Focus,he Take off his Shirt and walk to tge water falls,he sat at the Center on it letting the waters hit is whole body while his legs are cross and closing his eyes,He Try to Feel his surroundings if he Feel something or someones presence ,But all he Feel is Nothing Which is a Good sign,He can Felt the Animals running around and drinking water,He Felt the birds where near to him,It was like a peacefull Place"Huh..wonder how they doing there..."he said still closing his eyes Feeling each water that hit him


"Ah shit!"Yuu scream as Takeshi Kick his Stomach For his Counter attack,Esdeath's Group where very empress on their Performance,Yuu Jump back and Did a Spinning Attack on Takeshi,Takeshi quickly Move away  and kick Yuu's Back which Yuu Exactly wanted to happen,Yuu Hold Takeshi's leg and toss him to the tree ,Takeshi quickly stand up dusting his pants first before running towards Yuu To Kick him at his head...but he change his mind when he was near to Yuu's Face,With fast as lightning Takeshi Stop his  Kick and grab a knife"Lets play"Takesi said,Yuu just nod

Yuu turns around and Catches the knife,Takeshi Grabs the knife and Grab Yuu by his Free hand,twisted his hand with the knife,making him drop his knife and was about to place it on Yuu's Neck,Yuu being Cool Twirl around with a kick that landed on Takeshi's Legs ,they Back off a little before charging again but this time no knifes just Hand to Hand Combat

Takeshi Threw a swift Jab at his head and Yuu Fluidly ducked underneath.Yuu spun gracefully,his foot arcing towards Takeshi's Head,Takeshi bearly ducked in time,suddenly Yuu lept into the air using his extended arm for leverage,looped his leg around his neck taking him on the ground"Man Yuu in our team your the master of hand in hand Combat"Takeshi said flashing a little smile on him and quickly faded"Haha thanks man...now...i wonder how Tatsumi is doing?"Yuu said Looking at where Tatsumi's runway earlier"Yeah....lets take a break"Takeshi said

(Back at Tatsumi)

He was still under the water falls,suddenly a big round rock has fall and almost reaching to his head when he quickly Punch it and it breaks to half"Woah did not see that Coming"He said to himself looking up"Huh wonder how they doing"And with that he walk back to the ground Wairing his shirt back"Hmm i should do a run-in-the forest-Chase....maybe ill do it this time in the tree?"He said looking all of the tree,he quickly climb on the first tree and was running on top of them doing some cool stunt (A/N:you know like in the Naruto XD)
As he was Doing stunt he accedentally step on a broken Tree and that almost made him Fall he Balance himself Cause he know that no one will Catch him....or some sort of XD

"Shit my jeans has a little rip......nah its just a little"With that he Got off of the tree and start walking around and also Killed some of danger beast,while he was walking he was day dreaming about him flying into the skies(A/N:dont judge guys XD )
He didnt even realize that he was back at their Camp ,Yuu and Takeshi look at him Confuse why he was just walking Smiling like an Idiot"Ahhh?"Was the only word that came out of Takeshi's mouth same goes with Yuu,Captain Mako Threw a small rock and it hit on Tatsumi's Forehead"Aw"Tatsumi snap out of reality"Oh...."he said'Im not suppose to be here!!!shit!!!!!CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORST!??'Tatsumi Thought"What are u doing here Tatsumi?Yuu ask,at First he didnt say anything just looking at them speechless

"Will um....i was......finding.....my..my my my Sweater!yes Sweater!man its got to be here somewhere...where is it.."He make it as an excuse since he really forgot to get his sweater at the water Falls,He run as fast as he could "Shittt!!that was not part of my plan!!i shouldnt have day dream!!!augh!"

(Back at the Camp)

It was night already and Tatsumi was laying on the ground watching the starts"huh start are beautiful this night...."he said it out loud"Yeah"Takeshi said"Oh was i Thinking out loud?"he ask,"Yup"Takeshi said Simply"lets go get somesleep it really late"Tatsumi said and Takeshi just nod.

As Tatsumi turn to his Left He saw Esdeath Naked Swimming at the lake,Tatsumi stare at her for a solid minute but he quickly stop when Esdeath look at his Direction'SHIT!!!I AM SO DEAD!!!CAN THIS DAY GOT ANY WORST!!!?' He though

A/N:And thats all for now since its getting late and im sleepy so sorry for the wrong grammars and spelling pls.read ,vote and leave a comment!


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