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"We have to find him!I can still feel an energy ,im sure it came from tatsumi's presents"Takeshi said looking everywhere trying to find some signs.

"Wave use your teigu,fly up and see if you can see tatsumi.."Esdeath said in a cold voice

'I cant lose him.not right now'she thought

They search and search,even though there legs are tired they did not stop

(With Esdeath)

'I dont know why ......Im acting so weird this days....augh!Its because of that boy!what is in him that i can never miss!?'she thought as she was jumping tree to tree alone

"Hmm...clues..clues...clues......."she mumble while looking carefully at the lake

The water was still strong that she didnt find a single sight of tatsumi or some clues

"Augh!darn it!the water is too strong!"
She scream frustrated,she stop for a while and look at the sky

" long was i searching?"she ask herself

See guys she search Tatsumi alone by her self,she dont want anyone to bother her,so she said ti the whole jaegers to let her search by her self

(With Takeshi)

".....shit.where is he!?"He said still searching

And guys he was with Yuu ,and Yuu was very worried for Tatsumi

There was a Dramtic saving story before Tatsumi and Yuu meet

*Flash Back*

Yuu was walking alone...he doesnt have friends..his Family was too busy that they dont have enought time to take care of Yuu

Oh Yuu was A Rich Kid,he owned a Masion,but he doesnt want to be lock up and had no friends just because of a strick parents...

One day Yuu was walking around and was thinking that what would it be like if he was and adventurer

So,When he saw the woods he was hesitating to go there

Afraid he would be scolded by his parents

But soon he shrug it off and decided to go on the woods

He was amaze,the fresh air,the flat surface and filled with beautiful flowers

While he was walking he saw a fine looking sword

"Cool!"He said as he got near to that,although he cant get it since it was stock to the rocks...big rock

He started to pull it but the rocks was so big,but he never give up

"A little more..."he said as he tried all his strenght to pull it out

Finally it was out,but because he use his strenght withought recognizing that behind him was a clip,he was out balance

He almost fell down,He tried all his best to not let go or the rock he was holding with his one hands

"Mama,Papa...."he cried he was scared.


He snap out of his Tears and look up only to see a brown haired boy holding his right hand pulling him up to save him

"Hold...on tight..."The brown haired boy said trying his best not to let him go

Finally the Brown Haired guy was able to save him

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