Knowing the Teigu's

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"Were here...."The Brown haired boy said with amazement on his voice looking at the view of the Secret Vanishing Paradise

"Wow....this place keeps on better and better whenever were here!"The Green haired boy said cheerfully inhaling the fresh air!

"Yeah..."The Black haired boy said admiring the beautiful view

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"The sun is Down,keep your guard on,Nightraid may show up"The Icy blue hair General Said in a cold voice

The Jeagers,Captain Mako,and The Great General just nod and keep on walking looking fro any signs of movements in the woods,it wasnt that hard to spot someone trying to ambush them since the moonlight was so bright

'The Moon is beautiful....i just wish that my dearest Tatsumi didnt leave,but that look of him.....

*Flashback:Tatsumi's serious face in the meeting*

is killing my curiosity on what would be the result after their training...'

As they were walking,Captain Mako was look straight at the moon not taking his eyes on it

" that i remember...."He stop at his sentence and slip his right hand on his pocket and got the white paper that Tatsumi gave to him

"The writings here can be seen when the paper hits the moonlight am i right?"Captain Mako ask looking at The Great General Budo

"Hmmm yes,now give me that paper please"The Great General said with a kind voice

After he grab the paper he lift it up high to the sky and once the moonlight hit the paper it showed some sort of a Map

"Woah..."Captain Yuu,And the whole Jeagers including the Empires Strongest was amaze by just looking at the Map

Inside the map was the most highest mountain in the Capital,behind it was a dark forest,after that was a large free surface and above that it says 'Secret Vanishing Paradise'

"What?why is there no trees or some nature stuff in that Map?"Wave said bewilderedly looking at the Paper

"Are you dumb?Thats why its called ' THE SECRET VANISHING PARADISE ' You Airhead" Kurome said wih her usual self expression

"oh ahh hehehe😅"Wave let out an awkward laugh

After their little conversation,it was back again at the dead silence,no words that came out from everyones mouth,they can clearly hear an danger beast that probably chewing their preys,36 seconds turn into 3 minutes which quickly turn to 5 minutes,they keep on walking and walking looking for a sign of soldiers surrounding a Princess

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The brown haired boy was sent flying backwards only to hit some dark oak tree's in a beautiful garden which was called The Secret Vanishing Paradise,they started training after and hours of sleeping in able to regain their strengths

[Earlier after that]

"So which one would you choose Tatsumi?The Cloning yourself into 3 ground,The dodging the bullets ground,Or practicing how to using weapons ground?"Yuu ask looking every particular places that he mention

So the thing is,The Secret Vanishing Paradise was built for warriors,Soldiers,kings ect. as a training ground,if you practice in that place whenever you guys are finish on training your wounds would heal itself,the first Emperor of the Empire built this place but unfortunately he wasnt able to train there since he had alot of duties to uphold,the Emperor had given the direction towards his most trusted group of teens which was Tatsumi,Takeshi and Yuu,If some stranger knew that place they wouldnt be able to enter that Special Training Ground without the kings Permission and since the Emperor had given all his permission to Tatsumi,Tatsumi was the one who can only allow to let people enter

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