Chapter One

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Sally PoV:

I had Percy two months ago. I made Tony his godfather that if he ever comes back, he can meet Percy. I was feeding Percy applesauce when someone knocked on the door. I picked Percy up and balanced him on my arm, walking to the door. I open it and my eyes go wide. "T-Tony? Is it really you?" I whisper. He nods, tears starting to come down his face and mine. I shift Percy so that I can hug Tony. He just now noticed the giggling baby in my arms. "Who's this little guy?" He asks. "Perseus Anthony Jackson, your godson." I say with a smirk. "You, you use my name for, for him. Wait, he's my godson? I will do my best to help take care of him when you need me to." Tony say with determination. I laugh and then notice a light blue glow emitting from his chest. "What happened?" I say concerned. "I'll tell you later. Right now, I want to get to know this little guy!" Tony says, lightly taking Percy into his arms, spinning around, making the little child giggle. For the next hour or so, Tony played with Percy and discussed what happened when he disappeared and I told him about Percy's father, knowing that I could trust him. He knew that if anything happened to me, he would get him to Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible or at twelve years old if I can't.  I started hearing commotion outside and opened the door, Tony still with Percy in the living room. It was a cyclops wanting to eat Percy. I unsheathed the dagger that Poseidon provided me with and killed it quickly. I walked back into the living room with gold dust on my clothes and Tony just looked at me questionigly. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Mr. Billionnaire?" I say teasingly. He glared lightly at me. "Yes. I am not leaving though. I want to stay with my godson for as long as I can." Tony says. "If you want, you can take him to Stark Tower and I will just meet you there." I say. His face brightens and he twirls around with Percy in his arms. "Percy, you get to see my Tower!" Tony says happily. Percy laughs and giggles at Tony's antics and I do too. He pulls Percy to his chest and strolls out of the house, making sure there was no paparatzzi around, and gets into his car, driven by Happy. I get into my own car, given to me by Poseidon, a blue sports car, and race off to Stark Tower. I park in the parking lot, knowing I beat Tony and Percy here, and stroll into the Tower, not caring about the people who try to stop me from getting into the elevator. "Hello, Sally. How are you today?" JARVIS asks. The people were shocked when JARVIS spoke to me, not used to hearing him with anyone else but Tony. He opens the elevator at the kitchen floor and I sit down at the counter, waiting for Tony to come out of it. Soon enough, he spins out of the elevator laughing with a giggling Percy who had his arms in the air. "Mmu. Mun. Mum. Mum." Percy starts sounding out as soon as he sees me. My eyes widen. He was 2 months old but he said his first word, Mum. "Yeah, that, that's me, Percy. I'm your mom. And that Tony." I say. Percy looks at Tony and laughs. "Me. Mechy. Mechy!" He giggles. Tony puts his hands to his mouth and laughs at the name. "Mechy. Who would have thought? He gave me a name for his second word." He chuckles to himself.

••••••••••4 years later(Avengers)•••••••••
Third PoV:
Percy was running around the house in his nemo pants and blue shirt and was grabbing his stuff that he wanted to bring with him to the park. He stuffed it into a little blue backpack and ran to Sally. "Mum, I'm ready! Can we go yet?" Percy asks excitedly. Sally laughs. "Do you have all your homework done?" Sally asks. "Yes. Its really easy and I finished it in like, a minute. I am faster than most kids in class. I want to be in middle school! Maybe it'll be harder!" He says happily. Sally looks shocked but quickly hids it. He was smarter than she was. Percy started school at 3 years old and quickly was pushed forward through school throughout the year and is now in 5th grade. "We just finish this year up and you will be. Lets go to the park and see Tony." Percy's smile widens at Tony's name. "Mechy! We'll see Mechy!" Percy jumps up into his mother's arms and she walks out the door and quickly runs to the park with Percy. She sets him down and Percy runs towards the pond and Sally calls Tony.

Tony was flying around in his suit just to make sure there wasn't anything happening and then he passed by the park and sees his godson and best friend. He lets down a few minutes away and has the suit go back to the tower by itself. Right as he gets there, Sally calls him. He doesn't answer and waits for the phone to ring off, preparing to scare her. When it stops, he sees her look sadly at Percy and then he sneaks up behind her. All of a sudden, a hand shoots out for his head. He ducks and tackles Sally, laughing. "Tony! Don't do that! I could have injured you!" Sally exclaims. "Mechy!" They hear across the park from the pond. They get up and Percy slams into Tony, making him stumble. "Tony, how old were you in 5th grade?" Sally asks. "7. Why?" Tony asks confused. "He skipped 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. He's only 4, Tony. If we could, he would have skipped 5th grade too." Tony's jaw dropped. "I can tell he got his smarts from you. He may have even picked up some from me, with how smart he is. Can I, can I hide him in my lab? Seeing as though I don't want him being found out and held captive by SHIELD, who may be at the tower right now." Tony says. Sally smiles. "Sure, as long as I can too." Tony calls his suit and a empty one for Sally. His suit comes on him and then one envelopes Sally. Tony scoops Percy into his arms and flies up, cradeling him towards the tower. Sally takes off after him and follows him through a secret entrance he installed about 2 years ago. It led straight into the lab where he didn't expect Bruce to be. He was silent but Bruce still somehow heard him. "Tony? Was there anything in New York going on?" Bruce asks. "Uh, no, no. Everything's fine. You can go and tell the team now, please. I need some alone time in my lab to work on something." Tony replies, trying to think of something. "Oh, ok. I guess I'll talk to you later than?" Bruce says. "Yeah. I'll come out for food and then come back to finish." Tony says. Bruce walks out and then Tony sighs in relief and goes all the way into the lab. "JARVIS, turn off all audio and visual recording systems or devices in this room please." Tony says. "Yes sir." JARVIS replies and soon, Sally comes through into the lab as Tony was setting Percy down, who ran straight towards one of the projects that kept malfuctioning on Tony. He looked it with a studious face and then smiled, like he figured it out. Tony watched in awe and he messed around with it and then hit the activation button. It ran so smoothly and it was something that Tony was trying to build for Percy's 9th birthday. It was a robotic animal that could turn into any animal it wanted to at Percy's command and by will. It ran up to Percy as a cat and rubbed him, Tony having made it soft and fluffy-like when he was making it. It wasn't hard metal and could easily pass as an actual pet. Percy giggled and then it turned into a diamondback cobra, wrapping its long body loosely around Percy. At first, Percy was confused but then laughed when it tickled him in the stomach. "Stop it! I'll give you a name when I think of one. Are you female or male?" Percy asks. Percy looks at it. "Female. Ok. So..... what about Arhianna?" Percy asks. She shakes her head. "Amphitrite?" She thinks about it and changes into a little cardinal and perches on Percy's head. He laughs as Tony and Sally are watching in awe. Tony quickly snaps a picture of Percy and Amphitrite. They play all afternoon until nightfall and Percy just gets taken home by Sally with the suit and it just flies back.

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