Chapter Two

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Tony PoV: (Yes, still)

I wake up and I was in the infirmary. I only knew by the smell and all the white. I also knew by the kid doctors that were running around, sons and daughters of Apollo. I see someone sigh and close a curtain around me and so I sit up and stand, doing my best to keep my balance. I was still in my normal clothes that I was in when Percy fought the Minotaur, but there were no tears on it and no bruises, cuts, or anything on me. Apollo kids were miracle workers. They even fixed the trauma in my left arm. I look down at my chest and realize, my arc reactor was gone and I'm not dead from the shrapnel. I see it on the desk table by the bed and lift up my shirt. The tunnel it belonged in was still there and so I re-installed it in there so that I could still use my suits. I hear voices outside the curtain and realize that one of them was Percy's. He was alright. He made it safely to Camp even if he had a few injuries, he was alive. "...might not wake up for a few weeks, months even. Percy, its only been two days. He was badly injured and we only healed what we could of the body. We even took the shrapnel out of his chest so that he could live without the arc reactor, as thats what the Hephaestus kids called it. Percy, I advise that you go back to the Hermes cabin and go to your daily activities." The doctor said. "No! I want to see him and I will." Percy shoves the curtain open and gasp when he sees me standing there with a smirk on my face. He hugs me so hard I was suprised that he didnt break any of my ribs again. I laugh and he joins in when he sees the shocked expression on the doctor's face. "How? You had bad trauma to the head and other major injuries that time had to heal up even though we healed most of it." The doctor says. "I've been told that nothing can keep me down for very long." I say with a chuckle. I walk out from the curtain and out of the infirmary, followed by Percy. Everyone gaps at me and how close Percy was to me. I guess that he didn't open up to anyone yet. I see a group of kids that had grease stains all on them. I walk over to them and they stare at me in awe. "Isn't that Tony Stark?" was passed all around the group. "Yes, my name is Tony Stark. My guess is that your the Hephaestus cabin?" I ask. Percy sees a group and runs over to them. I think they were the Hermes cabin. They nod. Then a light shines above my head and I see a symbol of a forge. Then, two flashes of light behind me and I turn around. It was Hephaestus, but he looked exactly like my dad, Howard. I gape at him. I see Aphrodite standing next to him, looking like my mother, and laugh. The couple thats only married, wow. "Anthony, when you were little, I blessed you and Hephaestus was your dad but got away with being around you because he had to not pay much attention to you. Zeus got fed up with him being by you for so long that he had to, well, 'die' in your mind. Maria, well, that was me watching over you. I grew to love you as my own child when you were growing up, thats why I blessed you." Aphrodite said. I look at them, shocked. Then, my eyes harden on Hephaestus. "You didn't have to abuse me. You didn't have to destroy anything that I tried to make, you didn't have to make me afraid of being handed things, you didn't have to give me nightmares every night, but you still did. I think I would have prefered you leaving. Aphrodite could have stayed, but not you." I say, seething with anger. "Look, I know and I'm-" I get fed up and punch him so hard in the face he flies back. I hear gasps and everyone stops what they were doing and looks at me, especially Percy. He breaks off from his group and run towards me. The Hermes cabin tries to stop him but he just weaves through them. "Mechy!" He yells. That breaks my attention from Hephaestus, who was getting off the ground, and I turn towards Percy. He jumps at me and I catch him. I could barely hold him so I gently set him down and he looked at me with a large smile. "Mechy, he may have hurt you, but that doesn't mean you hurt them back. Treat him nicely and it'll work out ok. Do it, for Mom. She wouldn't want you to hurt him back, you know that." He whispers. She wouldn't, would she. I chuckle at myself and walk over to Hephaestus. "Look, I'm sorry for punching you. I just, need some time to adjust to knowing that I was abused by my father who was better off not around." I say, and walk away towards the Hephaestus cabin. I feel someone grab my hand and I look and see Percy beaming at me. Then, his face goes sad. "Percy?" I see a tear slip down his face as he looks up at me. He hugs me so tightly and I just hug him right back. "Its ok, Percy. Its ok. Do you have Amphitrite?" Percy's eyes go wide. "She's at the, oh, nevermind." Percy says, giggling. I feel something crawling on me and see a ferret shifting into a mouse then to a weasel and then a snake just to wrap around me. I hear shouts of panic and Amphitrite gets comfortable around me. "Amphitrite, please get off me. The campers are thinking that you are killing me." Amphitrite looks at me through beady eyes and uncoils from me and slithers around Percy's arm, becoming a corn snake. I hug Percy again and feel Amphitrite giving me a tiny kiss on the cheek. I laugh and wipe the falling tear from Percy's eyes from before and took Percy's hand, leading him to his rightful cabin, the Poseidon cabin. "Tony, you know that my cabin is over there, right? Not the one we are walking towards?" Percy asks. "Percy, you do know that your father just hasn't claimed you yet." I say, and open the door to the Poseidon cabin. All of a sudden, it felt like I was forced out of my body by somebody else. I knew automatically who it was. Poseidon. "You know, Poseidon, you could just ask nicely to borrow my body. But fine, you have 5 minutes, then I want my body back." I say. It was wierd watching my own body talk in a different voice and talk to me. "I'm sorry, Anthony. I promise I'll make it quick." He says, not caring about how wierd it might look for me to have a different voice and be looking at the air talking. "Perseus, you must know, that by any water source, I am with you. Touch the water and call my name, I will either send help or just help in all if I can. If not, I will probably still try. You are my son, and will forever be my son. I loved Sally, and I love you too, no matter how much I might not show it now and later." Poseidon says, freaking Percy out. "Um, Tony? Your not my dad." Percy says. I decide to make my floating spirit known. "Percy, that's Poseidon inhabiting my body. I am not your dad, yes, but he is." I say. He looks from me to Poseidon, gaping. He looks at Poseidon and then hugs him. Poseidon looks shocked and doesn't know what to do until I nudge him and he wraps his arms around Percy. Everyone was just passing by the scene except for one. A girl with blonde curls bouncing around as she runs over. When she gets around 20 feet away from the two, I fly in front of her and appear to her. "Stop. Don't interfere with those two." I say. She looks at me confused. "Are you a, soul? To the body that is currently moving on its own?" Annabeth asks. "One, it is not moving on its own, two, yes." I say, crossing my arms. "How? How is it moving without a soul?" She asked. "Poseidon is replacing my soul with his essence for the moment. I am just floating around at the moment." I say. "Ohhh, I get it now. Well, I need Percy." She says, running over to the pair. I floated over to them faster than her. "Anthony wants his body back now. I love you my son." Poseidon says, looking at me. "Also, Annabeth wants Percy." I add. "I love you too, Dad." Percy says, smiling. I suddenly feel my soul being sucked back into my body. I wasn't used to standing again yet, and so I fell immediately. I just sat on the ground for a few minutes, Percy having already gone with Annabeth to the Big House. Finally I stood up, walking into the Poseidon cabin. I feel something inside me start acting up but don't mind it at the moment. But then, thoughts started popping up in my head that weren't my own. 'Why did I have to do that? Now he definetely will have to go on that quest. I didn't want him in danger.' I was confused. Percy was in danger if he went on a quest? Percy was going on a quest? Because he was Poseidon's kid? Did Poseidon feel guilty that he said hi to his son because he ensured that Percy was going on a quest. 'I really hope that I can actually claim him out in the open. Capture the flag is Friday, maybe then?' I want to play Capture the Flag! Can I? Is there an age limit? I'm only 34. Wait, these are most definetly Poseidon's thoughts. Did he leave a bit of essence that is now tied to my soul or something? 'Anthony? How are you in my head?' I guess this thing works two ways. I hear him, he hears me. 'You can hear me? That means, you heard about the quest didn't you.' Yeah, you started freaking out. 'Sorry about that. Let me see if I can cut the connection.' Poseidon says and immediately, immense pain explodes from my entire body and I was suprised I wasn't screaming. STOP!! IT HURTS! 'Oh gods! I am so sorry!' The pain released its hold on me and I just passed out.

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