One Shots Like I Promised!!

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*Set at first Avengers. Percy works at SHIELD and is a level 12 agent, most trusted rank and most hidden rank at SHIELD. Percy is Tony's age, just saying. Annabeth is two years older. He was given the gift of no scent and so he lives in the mortal world now.*

Percy PoV:

I watched Barton from above him and kept quiet. I wonder how Annabeth was. We broke up but remained good friends. There was no hard feelings and feel that its better this way. I hear the Tesseract start humming and immediately focus on it. I hear the door open and see Fury walk in. I quickly and effortlessly jump down beside him without detection and without sound. "Tidal! Hawkeye! Report!" He yelled. "You don't have to shout." I say. He jumped a bit and I smirked. "I hate it when you do that. We trained you too well." Fury grumbled. I look directly at Clint and he uses a rope to slide down to us. I roll my eyes at him. Clint and Fury start talking and I tune them out, listening to the tesseract. Its humming was getting louder and so I got closer. I reach for it and even just barely graze my finger against it and it explodes with energy, blowing me backwards into the wall. I manage to absorb most of the hit without injuring anything. I heard Fury yell my name and look at him, shaking my head a bit. I hear someone's light footsteps and look at the culprit. It was fucking Loki. "You son of a bitch!" I yell, speed walking towards Loki. He sees me and fires his scepter. I use a shield of water to stop the blast and Loki finally realizes who I was. I see Fury grab the tesseract and put it into its case and get up. Loki whacks me across the face with the tip of his scepter and it cuts me, bleeding close to heavily. Blood was getting into my left eye and so I did my best to wipe it away. Loki managed to slip away and take control of a few people, including Clint. "Clint!!" I yell helplessly, barely able to see. Fury walks over to me and tries to help me clean blood from my eyes but I squirm around. "He. Will. Pay! Nobody touches my family without consequences!" I yell. "Yes, we know. We'll get him back. Calm down." Fury soothingly says. I quickly calm down and Fury was able to guide me to a helicopter where I got a bit of medical attention, literally a bottle of water that healed a bit of the wound, made it stop bleeding as much. I get out my phone and call one of the few people I know will be near Natasha where she was at the moment. "Put the women on the phone or the whole place will blow before you can even step a foot towards the door." I say. "Hello?" I hear Nat's voice on the other end. "Nat, I need you here. I know, youre getting all the info, just, its Clint. The hostile force has him under mind control. Please, Nat, come in." I plead. "Hold for a second." She says. I hear a bunch of noises and then she speaks again. "Where do you want me?" She asks. "Get the green." I say. She goes silent and then accepts. "Fine." She ends the call. I sigh and sit back, trying and failing to get the smear of blood off my phone. "Gods dammit. Its gonna be stained!" I whine.

Time Skip

Steve dropped from the plane and I come out of the shadows, following suit. I land without a sound and dart towards Loki while Steve deflected the blast to protect the old man. Steve didnt notice me until he threw his shield as I threw Loki and caught his shield. I toss it back with a wink and advance on Loki. I then throw an entire wave of water on him to soak him and make him spit water. I grab him by the collar. "You took one of the only people I called family. You WILL give him back!" I yell. "No." Loki says. I then throw him across everything and into a statue. "Sorry. Didnt mean to throw that hard." I say, mostly to the statue, the rest to Steve. I see the statue wink and I grab Loki. I also hear Stark's voice and loud blasting music in the quinjet and roll my eyes. "Always one for great entrances. Might as well." I say. "Hey Stark! Why dont you hit this target!" I yell, throwing Loki into the air. I see the suit blast him down and then land. He put a pair of handcuffs on Loki and then pulls him to the quinjet. After a half hour or so, thunder was starting to shake the jet. I quickly realized, we have Loki, Thor is Loki's brother, Thor is the god of thunder. If Loki knew who I was, Thor would definetely know. "Guys, whatever you do, don't follow me." I say, and I open the jet and jump out. I quickly turn and grab the back of the jet and pull myself up the top of the jet. The rain doesnt bother me and helps ground me in place on the slick roof of the jet. I see Thor flying down and he lands onto the roof. I walk towards him. He throws Mjolnir at me and I dodge it, catching it by its handle and throwing it back. I caught him off guard and Mjolnir slams him onto the jet roof. I run towards him and take it off while he was dazed and picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder. I opened the back of the jet and jumped into it. Thor groaned when I set him in a seat. Loki looked shocked and then Thor was getting out of his daze. "Thor, hey, sorry for dazing you. You were trying to attack me so I had too. Loki is fine, he is right next to you. I only accidentally threw him against a statue too hard." I say, a hand on his shoulder. He looks in Loki's direction and instead of saying something, he hugged his brother. Loki looked suprised. "You aren't dead, Lokes." Thor says. I look at Loki and see his eyes flicker from their blue to a emerald green. I remember Magnus telling me about Loki's poisonous emerald green eyes. I also remember Clint's eyes becoming the same color blue Loki's eyes are now. My eyes widen at ny realization. Loki was being controlled by someone, someone very powerful, and by the staff. I dont say anything yet and just keep it to myself. I lock eyes with Nat and see looks at me questioning but I shake my head slightly.

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