Chapter 1

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Authors note: this is how I would write Spider-Man 2: Far From Home. I now it's not out yet but I wanted to write how I would write it.

"Ok kids today is the day for our big Europe Field Trip"

The teacher stood in front off the class and told them this. Peter and Ned sat in the back were really excited. Peter noticed Zendaya sitting a few rows behind them.

"Peter aren't excited for the trip?" Peter didn't respond. "Peter? Oh you were looking and Zendaya again weren't you"

"What oh sorry I didn't hear you, I guess I was looking at Zendaya."

Ned threw his head back in laughter. Peter gave him a confused expression. "I don't understand?"

"Nevermind I was asking you if you're excited for the trip"

"Oh yeah I'm very excited for the trip, I already packed already"

"Oh my god!" Ned shouted. "I did too!"

"Oh my god, what did you pack?"

"I packed clothes..."

"Oh yeah me too"

"And my phone charger—"

"Me too"

"Ok Ned how about I list mine and then you do your list"


"So I packed my clothes and my phone charger, and my phone, and the Europan outlet adapter because we are going to Europe"

"What europan outlet adapters are different then American outlet adapters?"

"Yeah didn't you know?!"

"No I have never been to Europe, or out of the country."

"Well yeah you should buy one"

"Yeah" what else did you pack?

"I also packed five pairs of pants, five shirts, five underwear's, five socks, three light jacket, and one heavy jacket, swimming shorts, flip flops, two books to read, my notebooks and pencils and other school supplies, my phone charger, my wallet and pass port, n ew lego Star Wars for us to bild, glasses case, toothbrush, Colgate toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, backpack.... oh and I packed my spider man suit" Peter winked.

"Nice" said Ned. "I'm really excited for this trip."

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