Chapter 2: The airport

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Authors note: Btw I used the set leaks that we know to write it how i think it will happen. If you wondering why things are in the story, it's because they are from the set leaks!

Then they went to the airport. It was the airport from Captain America- Civil War. 

"I have been to this airport before!" said Peter "(so has Spider-Man)" he winked to Ned. (He went there in Captain America Civil War)

Then Zendaya talked to them. "Hey guys"

Peter blushed. He has a crush on her.

"Hi Zendaya" said Ned

"Hi Zendaya" said Raven. (Peter and Ned's new friend) She had dark hair and she is wearing a blue sweater with a dark green shirt under it, with ripped jeans and vans. She is really cool but shy and she loves comic books and video games and anime.

"What we're you talking about before Peter and Ned" asked Zendaya?


"Oh nothing" Peter said before Ned could finish saying the name 'Spiderman'

Peter had a crush on Zendaya, and he wanted to tell her that he as Spider-Man, but he is too afraid. Aunt may already knew.

Peter did not notice that they were still talking.

"...and I guess we will go to the hotel first." finished Ned.

"Yeah definitely" said Peter; acting like he was listening the whole time

"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back"

Peter walked to the men's bathrom and then he went in. He walked to the urinal and he peed in it. Then he washed his hands with soap and dried them using a paper towe.

When Peter walked out off the bathroom his friends were gone!

"Oh no where are they" said Peter


Meanwhile in Mysterio's lair Mysterio was having a meeting with other villians

Hydro-man and Molten-man were there.

"I have a new plan to conquer the world... now that we are in Europe" said Mystero

"What's your plan?"

"We need to form up with other villains. Together we are stronger than apart. The world will see our strength (starting with Europe) and then we will take over the world! They will all be sorry"

"What will will are new villain team be called?"

"The Sinister six."


A/N: Sorry for the two cliff hangers ;) youll just have to wait for next time please leave a comment thinking what will happen next time

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