Chapter 10

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Peter finsihed teling vuture the story and then

They saqw on the news moten man was attacking.

"oh no i have to get back to the my hotel room to put on my spider costunme" said peter parker So they did that. THen they ran to the place where moltenman was attacking wich was outside the hotel.

'You will not get away wiht this'

'I already have' said Molten Man.n They he turned into big lava monster scary monster.

Oh no their we're people in the way. Vulture clearewd away the inocent people while spider man fougth the big scar monster. Vulture flew right into molten men saying "i:m gona stop molten man" and then he burned and died.

Oh my god nooooo! shouted Spider-man. Vultueeeeeee!!

But he had to keep fighting. Just like wehn iron man died :(

"I have to keep fighting"  said SPider-man

***CUT TO***

Inside the hotel raven was walking down the hall way inthe h otel. she was listen to "Demons (Live Version)" by Imagine Dragons. in her headpones. Shwe was wearing balck and white checkered skirt and bracelets. Her hair was down. WHen she then there is a shot of her at the window and and shes walking by the window and otuside the window behind ehr spider man and molten man are fighting and she does not see them out the window and shje is listening to her music it is funny.


SPuder man shots his epic webs at the molten man, but they burned into fire in the fire of his body. SPider man tpresed button (he know what to do) and h presed thebutton and his suit become fireproff. THen spider man went into insdie molten man's body and punched him from the inside a lot of times.

It wa working! Good! Bu then oh no Lolten Man got even even more hot, maximum level hot, hoter than fireproof-hot. I burned thrtough Spider man suit and hurt him bad but not too bad becaus ehe is spider man and he is strong.

The suit was part dissolved and you could see through to Tom Hollan's muscles and they we're really hot. H eis super ripped and he was sweating it was realy hot. (literaly) because of fire

Bu tthe mask was stil om spiderman

Al of the peter's clasmates walked in and saw it. including zendaya his crush

Molten man go distracted. Spider man then he punched molten man hard Molten man ran away.

Then Zendaya said:

"Molten man is my dad" 


~~~A/N~~~ like in spiderman homecimin g when vulture is the girls dad

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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