Flashback to Avengers 4

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Authors note: i think at this point in the movie they would be a flash back to Avengers 4: infinity war 2 because a lot of pople might not have seen the movie... (spoilters for infinity war 2)


"Oh no I can't believe Iron Man and Captain America are dead" said Thor in his hot accent. (thor is really h

"I know, Thanos sure did killed them" said Rocky racoon.

But luckily we undid the snap so Spiderman and everyone else came back to life (Spiderman is the most important) and also now Black panther, Winter soldier, Falcon, Adolecent Groot, Falcon, Scarlet witch, Dr Strange, Chris Pratt, Drax, Nick Fury, Robin from HIMYM, Loki, Peter Quil are all back to life now

They all Avengers now with cool matching costumes (Even Loki) (Loki is hot) and they all stand in the circle and fight together

They were fighting Thanos but it was realy hard beacuse he is so good.

"Hey thanos you big purple dinosaur barney the purple dinosaur" said Spiderman because he makes funy jokes because he is spiderman (iron man does not make the jokes anymore because he is dead).peter was sad that iron man is dead

thanos is so ugly

"You are just a small child dressed like red spider" said thanos Ooh burn

Spiderman punched him really hard now.

He almost killed Thanos but not yet. Then captain Marvel showed up and killed Thanos.

We did it! Everyone was happy. They ate Chinese food like in Avengers 1 but wiht more avengers in the restaurant this time

"I am sad that iron man is dead" said Spider

"I am sad that captain america is dead" said bucky barnes.

"But it's okay because zendaya is still alive and she is my crush" said peter parker

"WHo is zendaya said bucky barnes" said bucky barnes

"My crush" said peter parker

"Oh ok my crush was captain america but then he died. We had gay butt sex a lot" said bucky barnes. it was really hot. Chris Evans and Sebastian stan are both really hot so when they have gay butt sex toegther it is super hot

then the flashback ends.

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