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Faith's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon. I was washing the blood from my hands from my latest victim while my cousin Sierra cleaned the blood off the floors. I've been killing people for the last 10 or 12 years of my life. And my cousin was like my helper. I never made her or anything, she wanted to. So I've done her favors in return for being there for me. Like killing people who dared to fuck with her or break her heart. She was my everything, my better half. I loved her and she loved me. We've been living together since we could find a place together. It was great and it's because of her I've never been caught or killed myself. Once we finished cleaning up we sat on the couch and watched "The Breakfast Club" together. It was one of our favorite movies to watch together. I don't understand what went wrong or what had happened to start it, but we got into an argument. We would fight sometimes but we'd both get over it soon by making the other person cry and hugging it out. But she took off. I didn't fallow her because I knew that she just needed to cool off and so did I. About half an hour passed before I started to worry. I called her cellphone thousands of times but nothing. I was about to have a panic attack when I hear on the news that someone had hit a girl with his car. I didn't think. Only acted. So I ran outside and kept running once I saw an ambulance driving in a certain direction. I fallowed it on foot, my heart racing. I was running out of breath but didn't stop. My only focus was on getting to where the ambulance was heading. And then I saw it. Several ambulances and a crowd of people with cameras, a reporter on scene, and several officers. I pushed through the crowed, and my heart stopped when I saw my cousin lying on the floor. She was bleeding bad. The paramedics were trying to stop the bleeding and she was just lying there. I knelt next to her and held her hand. She coughed and looked at me in the eyes with a sad look, her eyes half closed. Tears formed in my eyes and she whispered to me "I'm sorry for what I me a favor ok? Never stop living just because I might not make it ok? Never stop believing because now you'll have to believe in yourself for me ok? I love you so much." I took in a shaky breath. "D-don't talk that way...You won't die you won't I promise. Please, d-don't leave me please!" She smiled softly and kissed my cheek. Her eyes closed and she stopped breathing. I broke down. I screamed for her to come back to me, I sobbed and told her how much I loved her, how much I needed her. The police grabbed onto my hand and helped me up, telling me to give her space so the paramedics could try to revive her. They tried over and over but nothing worked. I was sobbing. I couldn't hear anyone else over my own screams. Until I looked up and saw the man get out of his car. He was drunk, it was obvious. "You hit her with your fucking car! You hit her! Your fucking dead you hear me!? Dead!" I screamed threats at the man and the police had to hold me back. I kept screaming at him because I knew that she was dead. She was never coming back

Days passed. And soon days turned to weeks, which eventually would turn to months. I hadn't left my house. I refused to come out. The only time I had left was when I took the guy to court and he was sentenced life in prison, and for my cousin's funeral. I didn't eat. And when I did it wasn't much. I had pondered this decision for a while but I had made up my mind almost right after I had thought it. I locked all of the doors and held a picture of me and my cousin. She was like a sister to me. She was all I had left. I was alone now. I put the bullet in the gun and aimed it at my head. I let a few tears fall and hoped to see Sierra in the afterlife. I pulled the trigger. Everything went black.

When I woke up, I wasn't myself. And I mean appearance wise. My skin was pale, almost completely white, I looked in a shard of glass and saw that my eyes were pitch black with small white dots instead of pupils. Where my tears had fallen down my face were black stains which I wiped away quickly. I looked around and knew that I was in hell. The way everything looked, the way everything seemed. The fact they had several fucking drugstores and clubs lined across the street was a dead give away. I stood up and brushed myself off before completely breaking down again. "Jeez lady, whats up with you?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw a spider. Male, white with pink dots on his face. I wiped my tears away and said "I don't want to talk about it right now.." He shrugged and said "Fine then. You don't wanna talk, don't talk." We stood there in silence for a while before he finally spoke up. "Your new here right?  The names Angel Dust. Like the drug." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "I'm Faith. Faith Asher." I said in response. We talked for a while and got to know each other. I finally told him about how I ended up here and he actually felt sorry for me. Not the sarcastic kind, but the genuine kind. After he had some cocaine, we went and shot things. For shits and giggles. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Nora's POV

It was a gorgeous night to go out for a killing spree. My sister Crymini had died years ago after a K9 had mauled her to death. I wasn't myself anymore. I wasnt all happy like I was before. My heart ached.

It felt like someone had reached into my chest and was squeezing my heart painfully tight. I was emotionless. I returned to ehat I was doing and realized in my spacing out my knife had gone all the way through the guy's body.

Whrn I first killed the stench if blood almost made me gag but now it smelled almost enticing. I felt my mouth water and did something i had never done. I dove the knife into his chest and cut it open. I spread the cut wide open reavealing his heart.

My lip quivsred and I ripped it out blood spattering all over me. I bit down into it and dripped it to shreds with my teeth. I heard howls and a pack of wolves surrounding me. I panicked and glanced around frightingly.

They charged at me and ripped me to pieces.  I passed out from blood loss and blakc pots danced aorun my vision and it all went dark.

When I woke up I noticed I no longer had skin. But cream white fur with black spots. From my knee down my right leg was covered in black fur. I had a purple fluffy wolf tail with a mint green tip.

On my head I could feel that I had puffy mint green hair with purple tips, and my bangs were a dark grey. I could also feel I had wolf ear that had ear piercing in it. I grabbed a shard of glass and looked at myself. Instead of grey eyes reflecting back at me I found green pale eyes.

I saw a girl appear and hid quickly. A spider thing with kinky boots appeared and talked to her. The thing spoke with a smirk "I smell fresh meat."

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