Chapter 15

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Faith's POV

I couldn't sleep at all that night. So I went downstairs to raid the kitchen of some kind of sugar or snack. And that's when I saw it. Charlie was trying to get Alastor down from a stool, Alastor and Angel both singing some random songs. And putting the pieces together I knew for a fact what was happening here. They were both drunk as fuck. Vaggie was suddenly there, recording everything on her phone. Charlie turned to see us and said "Hey you two." She smiled nervously. "Can I get a little help please?" she asked. "We need to get them to their rooms before they get hurt." Vaggie knocked Angel out almost instantly and handed me her phone. "All yours. Keep this recording no matter what. It's major blackmail. C'mon Charlie." Vaggie said, picking up Angel with Charlie and carrying him up to his room. I groaned and kept her phone recording. "C'mon Al," I said, grabbing his wrist and dragging him off "Time for bed." He kept rambling and shit which started to get annoying. Once we got into his room I set him down on his bed, putting Vaggie's phone on his nightstand so it could still record. I sighed because there was no other way to do it. I straddled Alastor and unbuttoned his overcoat, taking it off along with his monocle. "This is moving...a little fast...isn't...isn't it?" He hiccuped. I rolled my eyes and groaned, getting off of him and putting his overcoat on a coat rack and setting his monocle on the nightstand. When I turned around he was out like a light. I stopped recording and put Vaggie's phone in my pocket. "Night asshole." I said quietly, kissing his head. I left the room and mentally face palmed, giving Vaggie her phone back and going to my room.

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