Scenario #1 Date Nights

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Nora's POV

I blushed as I hurriedly put on my date clothes.

Angel Dust said "Hold still Nora."

I sighed as i complied stopping my wriggling and writhing around so he could do my makeup and hair.

He said "Once you stop squirming I can get these done faster. See that wasn't so bad. You look good. Go get em' wolfy."

I grinned anxiously and exited seeing Husk in his tux.

He said "Hey gorgeous. You ready?"

I nodded and he took me to a secluded area in Hell that overlooked everything looking up at the ceiling with all the red crystals glittering like the star back on Earth. I smiled as we enjoyed a tiny picnic together.


Faith's POV

I had somehow brought up the courage to ask Alastor to dinner. Surprisingly he agreed. I wore something decent for once. A dress shirt with some leggings and boots. The nicest to fancy I'm ever going to get. My cousin did my hair for me, braiding it. I heard a knock on the door as she finished up and I opened the door. And there he was. He didn't really need to change because he always wore a suit anyways. But regardless, he looked great.

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