Chapter 1

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Faith's POV

It was about 5 or 6 years later. Nora had found her sis so they were reunited. We met the princess of hell, Charlie, and her girlfriend Vaggie. They had opened a hotel to "rehabilitate sinners" and I lived in said hotel. I had nowhere else to go so I just lived there. I also worked there since I had no interest in going to heaven. I liked it in hell and besides, I know for a fact that my cousin would never end up in heaven. I gave up my search a long time ago, but I still had a sliver of hope she was out there. I was lying in bed still, trying to keep more sleep but I can hear footsteps coming towards my room. The door flew open. "Wake your ass up kitten!" Angel practically screamed in my ear. I groaned and hit him with a pillow. Or at least tried, but he grabbed my wrist. "Fine," I groaned with annoyance "I'm up." I glanced up at Angel with tired eyes and saw him smirk. Never a good sign. He picked me up and held me above his head with a tight grip. "Now your up." He said smugly. "Angel I swear to fucking Satan I will kill you!" I exclaimed. But of course, he didn't fucking listen. He ran out the room, down the hall, and sat on the banister. I knew exactly what he was planning. "You son of a bitch," I said while glaring at him "don't you fucking dare!" And he did. He slid down the banister with me in his arms. Once we reached the bottom, he fell. Which sent me with him. I fell face first on the floor and groaned. I looked up at Charlie to see her with some random ass guy with red hair, deer like ears and antlers, red eyes, a staff looking thing in his hand, and possibly the biggest smile I've ever seen anyone have plastered on his face. This fucker. I have no clue who he is. But I hate him already.

Hell isn't so bad anymoreNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ