20: Early Days

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Eren opens his eyes, the morning light pouring in through Levi's curtains creating a warm amber glow. The early start has birds chirping their morning songs, the sun rising ever so slowly, and the sounds of traffic, non-existent. With the warm covers over his bare body and the arms of Levi holding him close, a sense of calm consumes him. He doesn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed. Wonders seem to happen when Eren is with Levi. That is, if last night is anything to go by...

Eren finds his cheeks going ever so red at just the thought of all the naughty things they did. Their bodies together, moving rhythmically as one. Everything felt so incredible, his heat drove him into complete submission to pleasure. Does he regret it? Not even a bit! As of now their relationship is real, no longer fake. It brings an awful but amazing feeling in his stomach, as if there's something inside him that's tickling the insides. His body feels calm, feels warm but not as irritating as the heat that crashed over him during the night. They must have done it at least 3 times until Eren's temperature finally decided to even itself out. That being said, it might be wise to go have a shower...

Unlatching Levi's arms from round him, although very reluctant to do so, Eren slips out of Levi's bed, the sheets all ruined from the activities of last night. The morning sun warms his tanned skin and now that he sees himself in Levi's mirror, the evidence of last night is far too clear. Hickeys, love bites, scratches, too. All over his body.

"Geez... sure was... wild," he mutters to himself, but that could be considered as an understatement. He makes his way towards the shower, adjusts the temperature to his liking and steps under the water with a relaxed hum. He slinks back to the shower wall and breathes in lightly, feeling his chest flutter at just the slightest thought of Levi. As he scrubs his body clean, he admires each and every single mark Levi made on him, loving every single one, and feeling completely content with them. He's happy to show it off to the entire world!

He scrubs his hair and feline ears clean, scrubs his tail making sure it's cleansed and soft. Admittedly he also had to clean his insides due to him and Levi falling asleep rather quickly after the mass workout they endeavoured. When he finally finishes he hears a light cough come from outside the shower curtain.

"Levi?" Eren calls out with a delighted smile darting across his face. It's wiped off immediately when he hears that voice.

"Guess again." Comes that overbearing brute like attitude.

"Reiner..." Eren chokes on the name as he says it in heavy distaste. The shower curtain is ripped to the side and the younger neko stares up in alarm at the broad shouldered and muscular one. His scowl heavily displays his disappointment. Without even having to say anything Eren already knows the deep shit he's in, but how much can he really know? It's not like he's done anything bad!

"This is trespassing. You're can't be here," Eren says with a shaky but stern voice. Reiner has to hold in a laugh. Something about Eren trying to be brave amuses him.

"I have the right to check up on you. Or have you forgotten? Your loyalty to us?'

"I have been loyal! Considering I even went back to you guys after you tried to kill me!"

"You're only bringing that up now?" Reiner scoffs down at the intimidated hybrid. Despite what Eren's facial features show, defiance and courage, his ears seem to give his true emotions away. His tail curls around his waist for protection. Eren is nervous. A brawl with Reiner would mean trouble, and not the kind of trouble he can recover from. "After all that, you're still here. You were lucky that idiot human even took you in. You did your job properly this time, because you're a scared little brat, aren't you. But then you go ahead and betray us again."

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