26: Isolation

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I can't believe the support I keep getting for this story oh my lord XD thank you everyone for reading and even picking this random fic to read. Gold star for everyone!  This chapter is a bit shorter than the other ones but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

For the first time in his entire stay with the Ackerman's, Eren was afraid to knock. After what happened last night outside the Neko HQ he had debated whether or not to follow Levi home and sort it out like rational men. However the weight of his crimes made him think it better to approach the man the next morning, allowing Levi and himself time to cool off. It was absolute agony not having anywhere to go. He refused to go back to Mikasa and had made that clear after losing his voice from shouting at her.

They had hurt him more than he thought they ever could. They took something he cared about and exposed hidden truths to turn it against him. Eren was finally happy and eventually he was going to tell Levi everything. The way everything played out was the exact opposite of what Eren had in mind. Of course Eren wouldn't stay with a hostile group that feeds on his misfortune, so instead of a warm home to sleep in, he found a cardboard box, padded it with his clothes and shifted into his cat form to curl up amongst the soft materials. It shielded him from the cold, at least, and provided him some comfort. He wasn't surprised when he woke up hungry.

Now here he is, outside the Ackerman residence. Bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, already missing Levi's presence. His fist has been raised to the wood for a while now, unable to actually finish the motion of knocking. In the pit of his stomach he has all these nerves going off like sirens. This is a bad idea, he thinks to himself. Levi is angry, probably hates him, however he needs to talk it out. The sooner they can talk this out the better. Eren will apologise, heck, he will beg for Levi's forgiveness if he absolutely has to. Hes not willing to give up their relationship. Everything they shared can't be over. Not now, not ever!

"Come on, Eren. You can do this..." he breathes in heavily, adjusting his beanie that he still wears and finally lands the first knock. Then a second and giving a third one for assurance. Now he waits for a response.

The seconds pass. A minute. A minute and a half, and as they tick onwards the nerves within Eren only get stronger and more dominant, shaking his body. He almost feels the tears coming on when the abrupt action of the front door opening causes everything to stiffen. He can't speak as he looks down into Levi's eyes, thankful that it is indeed Levi but now absolutely PETRAfied. What did Eren expect? Levi to immediately bring him into a hug? To capture his lips in a kiss and repeat over and over again how much he loves him? Yeah, maybe Eren had been a little too hopeful. In reality, Levi takes one look at who it is and immediately slams the door back in his face.

"Levi, please!" Eren cries out in urgency as his hands instantly ball and pursue a futile knocking. "Lets talk this out! Come outside and we can talk!"

"About what?! How you're a fucking thief who only used our relationship to steal from me?!"

Eren recoils back, hands withdrawing to his sides as the words register. It stings. Words so harsh and untrue! So wrong!

"That's not what happened! I swear!" Eren barks back, this time with a hint of anger. "I never for once took our relationship for granted! I love you, Levi!"

"Tch, yeah right!" Levi scoffs from the other end. "You wouldn't steal from me if you did!"

"I do! I swear! I was just... afraid of the others. I had to do what they told me to otherwise they would hurt me!"

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